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So upon searching for a new job, and applying to Lowes hardwear store , I come across this section.


Except for minor office supplies, what is the total value of goods and merchandise not belonging to you that you have taken from all of your employers in the last 5 years?


up to $5

up to $10

$11 or more

I don't remember


The total amount of cash not belonging to you that you have taken from all of your employers in the past 5 years is?


up to $5

up to $10

$11 or more

I don't remember


How often do you currently use cocaine, crack or other illegal drugs (LSD, speed, amphetamines, ice, etc.) while at work or just before?


One to four times per week

One to four times per month

Tried once or twice



The total value of items you have taken from a store without paying for it, in the last five years?


Up to $5

$5 to $10

More than $11

I don't remember


Have you ever committed a theft, shoplifting or other crime where you took something that didn’t belong to you?




How often have you ignored safety rules in order to get the job done in the past three years?


1 or 2 times

3 or 4 times

5 or more times


I know they want to find out more about people, and try to trick people by asking the same question 10 times in different ways. But come on, who's the mentally deficiant person that's going to answer these wrong?

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I never answer things wrong. I definately am answering

More than $11

More than $11

More than $11

More than $11

More than $11

More than $11

More than $11

on all of them

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yea i had to answer some of those silly questions applying for jobs.

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Notice he said Jobs.


This means he answered the same as me in the beginning.

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Job searching is teh suck.


I'm doing it now, and I hate it.


New jobs, on the other hand, are filled with wonder and excitement!

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FP Corporate is working for you Justin, zomg! GL!

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WTF?! There are no minor office supplies!!! They are all wonderful and useful in their own ways, and should not be taken from their proper place of use.



President, PETOS



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ice??? haha what is ice!!!!!!! i need to catch up on my drug lingo.

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Thank god I'm a consultant.


Much better when jobs look for you rather than you having to look for them :cool4:

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