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Rules: Answer the question to the fullest extent, and receive a point! All questions can be answered with some research at www.wikipedia.org


In the spring of 216BC, there was a massive battle involving rome at Cannae. Who won this battle, and what strategy was responsible for this win?





Edited by Bishop

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Hannibal and Carthage won this, but Rome would later get revenge with the sowing of salt into the earth of Carthage thing after they burned it down in the Third War. No idea on the strategy, I koow Hannibal used elephants.

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Trivia on the forums = Ctrl + T, wikipedia.com, [insert question here], Ctrl + C, Ctrl V

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Trivia on the forums = Ctrl + T, wikipedia.com, [insert question here], Ctrl + C, Ctrl V


While that is a sound strategy for trivia on forums, you still fail at answering the question, some STRATEGY RH YOU LOSE!


This is why i made this a 2 part question, obviously WHO was the ez part, but HOW will require some research!

Edited by Bishop

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ill just answer it, The victory goes to Hannibal Barca of Carthage, and the strat/tactic he used was the PINTZER maneuver. Infact, this was the first use of the pintzer maneuver in recorded history.


The Pintzer maneuver is, you encircling your opponent threw dual flanking on both sides to than enclose your formations around the enemy, effectively leaving no escape while at the same time breaking enemy lines and morale.


it must be said, that hannibal was outnumbered, out geared, and outclassed by the romans. He had 40000 infantry and cavalry, while rome had about 100000 legionary infantry and cavalry.


Hannibal was a military genius of the highest order, in my opinion, he was the best.


Next question coming shortly.

Edited by Bishop

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Question 2: M-Theory


Explain what theory evolved into M-Theory, who was the originator, and how many dimensions this theory encompasses.



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I think Edward Witten originally suggested it. I think it has to do with the 5 superstring theories in physics, although I'm not 100% sure about that.

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I think Edward Witten originally suggested it. I think it has to do with the 5 superstring theories in physics, although I'm not 100% sure about that.


You should feel 100% correct, because you are, only 1 part of the question is missing, quick repost w/ full answer and u get a point :)

Edited by Bishop

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I don't really know the full theory. I just remember that for some reason.


All questions can be answered w/ the use of www.wikipedia.org

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