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Not to scare you Dez but.....


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lol music pirating is such an afterthought these day to me.


pirate first, think about consequences later?

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Don't worry Dez, I have graduated the Phoenix Wright Law School. I'm ready


/sweat drop

/point finger

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Or you could all just listen to non-RIAA music. No reason to pump popular shit filth into your head.

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Don't worry Dez, I have graduated the Phoenix Wright Law School. I'm ready


/sweat drop

/point finger



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Would you all feel the same way if we were talking about heroin or child pornography instead of illegal software?


Each is illegal for its own reason and the terms of which do not merit justification for different levels of legality.


Common, Devil's advocate me!

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I got busted for 501 songs, all classic rock. I was running Peerguardian and Safepeer while downloading at the time. They still got me.


I settled for $3,000. The minimum I would have had to pay in court was $375,750.00. If I had to pay $9,250.00 per song like she did I would have ended up owing at least $4,634,250.00 not including the legal fees that I would have had to pay for something like that.


I don't download anymore.

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my friends girlfriend just got busted on that shit too, she is settling for 7000 dollars, my fuckin idiot friend wanted her to decalre bankruptcy i was like are you a freaking idiot moron1?!?!?!! it was funny...




i also think that the drawing of those jurors is the funniest thing ever

Edited by leifomg

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Joe, we aren't talking about illegal software...


Nobody is trying to justify the legality of downloading music. However, the way the RIAA went about this lawsuit, and the extravagant amount of money they are extorting is sickening. Over 9 grand per song? Are you f(*king kidding me? For a song that would normally sell for a dollar... Yes, I understand that by sharing a song, it can be downloaded by many people. However, what they should have done is look at her time sharing, look at her bandwidth use over that time, and calculate how many songs she had the POTENTIAL to share. Not making some bullshit up and putting her in the poorhouse. Regardless, I'm sure she'll file bankruptcy and the RIAA won't get much of that money.


I really want to see some data backing up the theory that file sharing is hurting the recording industry. Personally, since I started downloading music, I've purchased a TON more music that I ever did previously. It exposes me to bands I never would have heard of. Basically, if I like it enough, I buy it. If I don't, I don't listen to it. Judging from quotes the representative for the RIAA made during the trial, (too lazy to find a link), they really (and openly admit) that they have no idea how much file sharing has 'cost' them. They sue entirely on the grounds of copyright infringment... which is idiotic. I can't imagine how many people are going to stop buying music under the RIAA umbrella after this shitstorm.


Also, there is plenty of good music out there that has nothing to do with the RIAA. Google 'RIAA Radar' and you can do a search to find out whether or not a particular band is under them.

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Valdez you didn't get in trouble for downloading them.


You got in trouble because after you downlaoded them you left the ability for other to download from you. That is illegal.


Downloading them is not. You can not prove or disprove that the person you are downloading from is or is not the distributor or artist themself giving the music away. But once you have it. You know that it is copyrighted and you yourself do not have permission to share the artist music with others.


So to play into the devils advocate. Downloading music is not like porn or drugs. You know you are breaking the law when you buy drugs however if Ac/Dc went out and shared there music it would not be illegal for people to download from them.

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WHAMMEY! Don't think so Bentley.


Uploading or downloading works protected by copyright without the authority of the copyright owner is an infringement of the copyright owner's exclusive rights of reproduction and/or distribution.


Just because you didn't know it was illegal or copyrighted doesn't make you immune.


EDIT: And technically\legally, to the T... I'm pretty sure its illegal create ANY TYPE of other copies of the material for any other purpose than backup.


However, the way the RIAA went about this lawsuit, and the extravagant amount of money they are extorting is sickening.


Thats always been the issue with the RIAA. I remember reading something a little while back that they were talking about modifying the penalties in which fines are calculated. A crappy song no one heard of will be a lesser penalty than a mega crazy hit. But in the terms of intellectual property, why should one persons artistic expression be given a higher level of concern than anothers? Its like punitive damages based on who the person is, not what happened to them.

Edited by Joesf

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It's things like this that make me want to d/l more. I think I'm gonna go home and queue up 10 gigs of mp3's. screw the RIAA

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Would you all feel the same way if we were talking about heroin or child pornography instead of illegal software?


Each is illegal for its own reason and the terms of which do not merit justification for different levels of legality.


Common, Devil's advocate me!

<--supports many 'illegal' activities!


Some call it crime, I call it patriotism.

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Don't think that goes on up here in Canada.

So reach out to your Canadian borthers, they get to upload without hazzle!



or something like that...

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It'll reach Canada when you guys get cds and roads


and english.

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