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Morgan la Fay was one of her sisters. Depending on the legend, they all get different names. It was Morgan la Fay, Morgause, and Elaine, I think. 3 Sisters, all of them had different impacts on his life. La Fay was a sorceress, Morgause was the mother, and I'm not sure what critical roll Elaine played.


I think all three + the lady of the lake were eventually the "Four Queens" that carried him to Avalon on his burial barge.


OH - and if you read The Miss of Avalon, the character Morgaine is actually all three in one.


"The legend of King Arthur" is one of the most confusing things in English Literature, in my opinion. Mostly because there were so many contributing authors and they all sort of followed each other, but not really.

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Morgan le Fay, alternatively known as Morgane, Morgain, Morgana and other variants, is a powerful sorceress and antagonist of King Arthur and Guinevere in the Arthurian legend.


The early works featuring Morgan do not elaborate her character beyond her role as a fay or magician. She became much more prominent in the later cyclical prose works such as the Lancelot-Grail and the Post-Vulgate Cycle, in which she is said to be the daughter of Arthur's mother, the Lady Igraine, and her first husband, Gorlois, Duke of Cornwall; Arthur is her half brother by Igraine and Uther Pendragon. Morgan has at least two older sisters, Elaine and Morgause, the latter of whom is the mother of Gawain and the traitor Mordred. In Sir Thomas Malory's Le Morte d'Arthur and elsewhere, she is married, unhappily, to King Urien of Gore and Ywain is her son. Though she becomes an adversary of the Round Table when Guinevere discovers her adultery with one of her husband's knights, she eventually reconciles with her brother, and even serves as one of the four enchantresses who carry the king to Avalon after his final battle at Camlann.




I believe the old movie Excalibur combines Morgan and Morgause into the same character.

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Elaine of Garlot is the daughter of Gorlois, Duke of Cornwall, and Igraine. She is a sister of Morgan le Fay and Morgause and a half-sister of King Arthur. She marries King Nentres, and has a son named Galeshin, who becomes a Knight of the Round Table. Considering the actions of her sisters, she is remarkable in that she is otherwise unremarkable. It is assumed she stayed in her own lands and did little to help or hinder any of her siblings.

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I've never read any of those. I'm not into that stuff. Apparently so not into I never even cared to ask why he named her that for fear of one of those wall of text history lessons irl. =p Besides no name is greater than Dookievag. R.I.P DV.

Edited by Morgause

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FARTHER denotes physical advancement in distance.


FURTHER denotes advancement to greater degree, as in time.



Do I need to start a sticky?

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So can I please have an example of when it is appropriate to use farther, THAN can you give an expample of when further would be better THEN farther?

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The further along this thread goes, the farther from English it seems to be.



Plotting someone's death to further their own goals is an age old tradition.


Moving farther away from the capital to escape the punishment of a failed attempt is probably a good idea.

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Yoohoopwns: Twink warrior named her after my favorite drink.

Bonecheck Rogue: The art of stealth killing people in splinter cell was dubbed "Bonechecking" by my friends.


Saucyiacon Paladin: Heliacon <3

Saucemeister Priest: Stangzor <3

Sizzlemelt Warlock: I wanted to make Tyler mad, and make a destro warlock that just spams searing pain.

Sepository Rogue: ...That's pretty straight forward

Ilikebubbles Paladin: Because I thought it'd be funny. Turns out I pretty much made a power puff girls refrence. =(


PS: Veeeery sleepy so get off my back Gynis! =( <3

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In order of creation.


Loofa (61; Hunter) - I first made Loofa as a frog type character on EQ at Stang's house when we first met. I then named my hunter that because I liked the name. It was a cute pet name for the cute frog on EQ and it stuck.


Adrastos (70; Priest) - I got this name from an online list of names I think it is supposed to mean 'undaunted.' I also wanted to get my name as high on the guild list while sorting in Alphabetical order so this name was the one that was available that I like the most for my priest.


Moroes (70; Warrior) - I made this toon before KZ was announced. I got the name from a Warcraft novel about Medivh in KZ. As most of you know Moroes was Medivh's servant and he gets killed by Medivh when Sargeras manifests his power over Medivh and runs into the lower depths of the tower (which is the complete mirror image of the above ground tower but going down into the earth).


Fpbank (5; Guild Bank main toon) - Fpbank = Forgotten Prophets Bank, make sense?

Fpbanktwo (3; Guild Bank storage) - I needed more space and this kept it simple

Fpbankthree (1; Guild Bank storage) - More space made it easy to manage yet again.

Fpbankfour (1; Guild Bank storage) - More space again =D


Wintriss (10; Mage) - I like Wintress so I made an Alt after him.


Deathmeister (10; Rogue) - Master of DEATH! How cool is that?!? I thought so.

Mascot (8; Druid) - Gynis came up with this. Its clever and fun calling a druid Mascot because they can change into so many different forms. Mascot is the current leader of Enlighten (My guild before FP and the past guild of several other people in FP).

Edited by loofa

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I ripped Ghostmaker from a friend that I used to play Socom with when I found that my Socom name, DoctorGonzo was taken. DoctorGonzo was a Fear and Loathing reference that you either know or you don't. Anyway, Ghostmaker was taken so I tried Theghostmaker.... too long. This was my first MMO so I wasnt really sure what I was doing. I had already set up my account name as Theghostmaker so I just shortened it to Daghostmaker, not knowing this would be the actual name I was stuck with forever. I f%ing hate it. And by telling you that people calling me Dag pisses me off more than anything I know that I am pretty much guaranteeing that 90% of you that read this will be on ignore by the end of the weekend.

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haha on that old thread i think the only ones still around are vanoon cari FG and erlin


Erlin - random name gen.!

Cari - same

FG - tribute toon

Brigantine - name for a two masted sailing ship.

Erlinah - girly form of erlin or erlinAH as in auction house (bank alt)

Vanoon - tribute toon

Benelux - German suburb

Hespira - twist on a druidy word for healing i dunno i got lost in wikipedia one day.

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Sanctity is from X-Men Mythology--in the future. . .


Sanctity was 2nd in command of the Clan Askani--an order of psionic women set up by Rachel Summers, to fight Apocalypse. Sanctity and Rachel, also called Mother Askani, were best friends. When the Mother Askani died, Madame Sanctity took over the Askani Sisterhood in the fight against En Sabah Nur (Apocalypse). Eventually, however, Sanctity went insane due to her massive powers and betrayed the Sisterhood. She was a great telekinetic and telepath, second only to Mother Askani. One of my favorite quotes by Sancity is actually a sad one, because it denotes the beginning of her trek into insanity. . .


"Mother Askani give me strength so that I may smite the enemy and protect these hallowed halls!" Just after she decimates two warships attacking Askani Hold, she is teleported to Apocalypse's stronghold, and it is there that she betrays the Askani Sisterhood and all that is right.


*sigh* :-(

Edited by Sanctity

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I ripped Ghostmaker from a friend that I used to play Socom with when I found that my Socom name, DoctorGonzo was taken. DoctorGonzo was a Fear and Loathing reference that you either know or you don't. Anyway, Ghostmaker was taken so I tried Theghostmaker.... too long. This was my first MMO so I wasnt really sure what I was doing. I had already set up my account name as Theghostmaker so I just shortened it to Daghostmaker, not knowing this would be the actual name I was stuck with forever. I f%ing hate it. And by telling you that people calling me Dag pisses me off more than anything I know that I am pretty much guaranteeing that 90% of you that read this will be on ignore by the end of the weekend.

/soothe Dag


(oh snap! I went there)

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I decided to name myself after something that I absolutely hate. Oddly enough white people topped that list.




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paigow = its a chineesee casino game , poker, tiles....in china it means " to get to 9 "......always want to play these games,,, but the asians give me dirty looks when i try to sit at the tables.. chose it cause " blackjack " was taken .. blackjack is my game <3


sicbo = another chineese casino game... I've lost sooooo much money to this game...i could of put myself through med school.....


dealer is showing a 2 of hearts,, you have 10 of clubs and 3 of diamonds... what would you do ?? hit ?... stand ?... double down ?.....oh.... and your bet is 4000.00 american and the player on your right just split a pair of 4's .....omg !!

Edited by paigow

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When RH and i bought WoW oh so long ago... and installed/updated the game, i hadnt thought of a name yet.


My alias as well as his come from RH's fondness for David Gemmel books... they're characters that appear to kick ass in those novels. Haha.


Cant remember exactly what the character were... maybe RH can recap... but they sound cool.

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