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Ravenheart is introduced as a teenager named Kaelin Ring (how ironic) who lives amongst his tribe in the serene country. The most important people in his life were slowly stripped away from the oppression of tyrant rulers, and as he grows he gains power and experience that helps him avenge his loved ones. Of course, the story is much more detailed etc, but I can't be bothered to type it out. He's a frickin awesome character though.


Dagorian came from a book called Winter Warriors, where three seasoned war veterans are about to return to their homeland, and get tangled in a plot where they have to save the unborn child of a powerful Queen from a race of demonic parasites. Dagorian, a young warrior who has defended the Queen all his life, (not one of the three main guys) has many heroic moments in this books, where his experiences of fighting alongside these three heroes make him overcome his fears and carry out his sworn duty to the Queen.


Don't f*ck with these guys =)

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While I never post on these boards I am just bored enough to post in a topic of people who have no idea who I am! Well except like 3 people...


Phyber (main) -> After the hacker Phiber Optik. Phiber was already taken /sadface

Shogi (rogue pvp alt) -> japanese chess type game that is ftmfw. I suck at it though so dont ask me to play.

Shogii (29 warrior twink) -> yes I am that unoriginal

Raler (almost 39 hunter twink) -> played Everquest for about 6 years as a ranger named Ralerwen Darclyte. Thought hunters would be like rangers when I first picked up WoW, got sadly disappointed and rolled Phyber. Recently picked him back up about a year later so I didn't have to level so far to get into the 39 twink bracket. I wont mention the fact that I level him about once a month because I can't get over the fact that hunters are nothing like rangers. Or the fact that the longest part of this post is about a crappy twink I never play.

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It is my name...


well one of my names...


didn't feel like naming one of my chars Jesusestebandelsacgradocorazonydelasantisimavirgendelpilar.


hey Gynis, you might wanna try training these rats by implanting electrodes in their heads that stimulate dopamine receptors. Look up robo rat on youtube and you'll see what I mean.


you can get your own army of...

whatever FP is composed of now.

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Name comes from the Starcraft? ... I don't remember. But it started as Joesf Stalin, then me and my comrades started making declarations that weren't in line with Blizzard's tastes, so it got axed to just Joesf.

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haha, I remember that Joe. I can't wait for Starcraft II..."Ohh you got them all" WHAM! 2 nukes on my hive...good times


Vanin is from wheel of time, he's a minor character in the 3rd book I believe. Btw RIP Robert Jordan


I also have Rovak who is my mage from EQ...just a random name gen.

Vorbis a priest from Terry Prachett Small Gods Novels.

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My name came from my cat who is named midori (which means green in japanese) and i added usagi (rabbit in japanese) because she hops around like a rabbit because she doesnt have a tail and she is retarded. I didnt name her midori some inmate who worked at the pound did :P

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Lyssa, my first born in WoW, is named after my lovely wife.


That's the only name with any meaning, the rest I just made up or came from something that was sitting on my desk when I created the character. Ipaq (druid named after my old HP PDA), Dranow (hunter), Vespus (mage), Veddy (he's a rogue and the butler in Big Daddy said he was "veddy, veddy sneaky"), Blessyou (paladin), Zeroheals (priest), Herrar (shaman), Lysol (warlock who used to quest with two friends named Windexia and Kleenexia) and Lyssabank.

Edited by Lyssa

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Various other damn names



I remember reading some fantasy book about the wolfs-bane potion alchemy blah blah blah and so I just used my own variation of the word wolf and turned it into wulfe. It is also used in most or all of my names due to the fact that people can find me easily enough too. My rogues name came from people being that stupid as of late when I did actually make him. Oh and Trigori is nicknamed Triggles and Triglet That is all.

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well we all know where my name comes from =D haha but..


lvl 4 pally with the name Jobforapally... which use to be my favorite death metal band named Jobforacowboy.. lol

lvl 18 Lock with the name BlessTheFall which is a band a fairley good one haha

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How many of you have had to change your characters names?


I had to rename.... EVERY single one of my caharacters. Some more than once.

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Atrus' character names WITH PIKSHURZ



Atrus was the name of a protagonist in the mind-f'ing game known as Myst . It was a cool game that i spent waaaaay too much time on about 8 years ago. I have yet to beat Riven or Exile :(



Atrus in game in Myst:





Samsara (my original character, Priest):


Samsara is a Buddhist reference that means-

sam·sa·ra /səmˈsɑrə/ Pronunciation Key -[suhm-sahr-uh]

1. Buddhism. the process of coming into existence as a differentiated, mortal creature. Compare nirvana (def. 1).

2. Hinduism. the endless series of births, deaths, and rebirths to which all beings are subject. Compare nirvana (def. 2).


It seemed to be an appropriate name given the class of my character but it has been my online alias for some time now since playing Neverwinter Nights.




In NWN, i played on a progressive world RP server (PWRP) that had a rich community and amazing world to play in (each server's "world" is different).




Because Gold was so badly needed to level up your character, i naturally made a rogue and would go charge people a "tax" to make it through one of the noobie zones or risk having their characters getting killed (perma-death server). After building up a name for myself as jackass numero uno of the server, a vigilante guild contacted me and gave me two options: join them or have my intestines fed to me. Easy choice.


My character (Renno) in "The Hand"s garb:



When i was inducted into the guild, the GMs had my name erased and my new name was given to me by the leader: Samsara. It was kind of a small twist of irony that as a thief i was now playing a thief catcher (or "Wannabe Batman" as the thieves guild called us) so my character was "reborn" in that sense. Eventually my character was betrayed and murdered by a "contact" within a shipping company that my guild was investigating, i could go into details but i'm sure i'm boring you as it is.


The Contact chick (Katarina) and Samsara; yes i'm a man-slut (she drew it)



The name stuck with me and it's usually my alias in any game or forum with the exception of WoW due to rerolling twice after playing my priest.


/NWN Nostalgia Screenshots:

http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v145/cheap_shot/hehe3.jpg (<3 GMs)

http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v145/che...hot/hellcow.jpg ("Undercover" in the Fighter's Guild)

http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v145/che...and_Liander.jpg (The Hand; Renno, Romar and Liander. Drawn by Suzi, Katarina)

Edited by Atrus

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