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[edit]shiki did this already[/edit]







Why did you choose the name you use?


Me? well aliens was on HBO while i was setting up a character




Im not joking...

Edited by Bishop

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My online Name is Mr E which is meant to be a play on words for Mystery.


It was my Beta name and when WoW was released it was a work day. I didn't get home until 6'ish and by that time someone had already taken the name Mystery on Skullcrusher.


So I chose Gawd since I could rez, heal and walk on water. A GM took that name away in my 40's and I took my nickname from high school ... Bentley.


And yes... Stang took the name because he indeed does have a Mustang and likes it very much. ZOMG the things you have scarred my mind with Stang.

Edited by Bentley

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My online Name is Mr E which is meant to be a play on words for Mystery.


It was my Beta name and when WoW was released it was a work day. I didn't get home until 6'ish and by that time someone had already taken the name Mystery on Skullcrusher.


So I chose Gawd since I could rez, heal and walk on water. A GM took that name away in my 40's and I took my nickname from high school ... Bentley.


And yes... Stang took the name because he indeed does have a Mustang and likes it very much. ZOMG the things you have scarred my mind with Stang.


And here i was thinking you were named after a car.


Good thing i put muSTANG in description instead of jaegerMEISTER

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I was looking for a name that went good with a drae.


Tyler aka Shandangle decided that I should become the boss of all that is sauce and named my drae Sauceboss. I ended up saving the name like right after I decided I wanted to make a shaman for sure, which was a month after the announcement of us getting shaman I believe.


But that was the birth of sauceboss

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The first warlock I leveled on a West Coast PvE server (n00b from Day 1) was called "Jezmund".


Once I hit 60 and was raiding at west coast times (i.e. finishing MC at 2 or 3 in the morning, then hearing everyone want to go do Ony), I realized I should re-roll on an east coast server. I checked out the realms to find an east coast PvP server with a nice H/A balance, and landed on SC.


I probably tried a dozen names when creating my toon, and they were all taken, Mullytt was the one that wasn't.

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Ok, this is a long one. There is a character from Star Trek DS9 named Martok, I altered the name to Zartok for a sci-fi larp I played, then altered it to Garnok (yes it someone worked this way in my mind) for a Dwarf Warrior I had in D&D and just decided to use it for this toon. Yeah, I think that's the way it went ;)


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Georgiegirl was my first charecter, I'm Georgie and I'm a girl.

Morgause I don't even remember where my ex got the name from.

Maggiepie is my bulldogs name.

My shaman was Dookievag at first, if you don't know where the name came from it's a long story, and then became Tingting after the gms made me change names.

Georgiegrrl, same idea but with a little grr.

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Georgiegirl was my first charecter, I'm Georgie and I'm a girl.

Morgause I don't even remember where my ex got the name from.

Maggiepie is my bulldogs name.

My shaman was Dookievag at first, if you don't know where the name came from it's a long story, and then became Tingting after the gms made me change names.

Georgiegrrl, same idea but with a little grr.


Morgause is King Arthur's half sister who slept with him and gave birth to the son that eventually kills Arthur. :) I'm almost positive that's where the name comes from, but there may be other refrences that he was referring to when he made it. I always thought it was a cool name to have for a Warlock.

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My online Name is Mr E which is meant to be a play on words for Mystery.

Inspired by the guy from Gaiman's 'Books of Magic'?




I was reading Tolkien's Silmarilion at the time and Feanore just seemed like a cool character...Not as l33t as 'Fifi', but you know an identity takes time to cultivate. :tongue:

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I decided that I never wanted to receive whispers from all the noobs around here so I just hit the keyboard a bunch with my forehead and out came Hvilelos.


Alternative reasoning: I'm a Spaniard with AIDs.





But really, its a Norsk word that means restlessness, if I recall correctly. Got it from a Fleurety album. Don't look up Fleurety if you don't want your head to explode.

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first was peppertree, the rogue. no idea where i got it from, just kind of happened.

when i was up visiting div, i decided to roll a druid, lemontree. i wanted another food-tree name hehe

bonsaitree... no idea, it's not a food but i wanted to keep the tree thing going.

i have a lock named urotsukidoji (hentai gooo)

a mage named blackparade (yes i love mcr)

a warrior named kwisatz (dune!)

a noob priest named jeuno (ffxi)

a placeholder priest named curaga (squeenix!)


i think that's it

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My name, ilDuce, was a name I picked up during the very early days of playing Half-life, and later for my Counter-Strike "career". It was originally taken as a reference to Benito Mussolini, not because I agree with his views or beliefs, but because I think his impact in history is a long and interesting one. Again, while I don't agree with his views (Fascism primarily), I do believe his impact on world history was quite a large and important one.


The name, loosely translated means the (il) leader (Duce), in italian. The italian word is a derived from a latin word, dux, to which the word "Duke" is also a derivative. This is why you will often heard "il duce" translated as "the duke".


I get quite a few inquiries from people about my name, most assume it was take from the movie "The Boondock Saints" in which one of the characters (he was a badass by the way) was named il duce. However, that movie was released well after I had taken the name, it just so happens that I now have a badass gun toting old man associated with it as well.




Kaydance was a name morphed from the uncommon English name Kadance. The name is an alternate spelling of the name "cadence", which means rythem. I happen to like the name, and decided when I set out to make the "prettiest" draenei female priest possible it would be fitting. However, the spelling Kadance (which I prefer of Cadence) was taken, so I had to adopt an alternate spelling.

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i see everyone is also explaining alts...




My rouge: Führer, german for leader. (no im not a nazi, piss off)

My priest: Pharmacy, shes a alchemist :)

My warlock: Smizzy (if you dont know what a smizzy is, than it doesnt matter)

My hunter: Keisersose, essentially the point of the movie: The usual suspects

My Druid: Skeez, do i need to explain?

My Shaman: Walletthief, yes, i will steal all your golds!

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My first car was a POS 87 ford mustang that I loved to death. I painted it and all sorts of stuff.


When I started playing Starcraft, my name was Stang01. I joined a clan (became the leader lawls) and changed it to Stang-Knight. When WCIII came out, stang was taken, then I put meister behind it and even though I didn't think it'd work, it did. I wasn't really to happy about the name, but all my buddies loved it.


For WoW I tried Stang again, didn't work, so stangmeister was used again. =P


I sold that mustang an got a better one later, but i still miss that POS.



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My warlock: Smizzy (if you dont know what a smizzy is, than it doesnt matter)


When comparing one thing with another you may find that one is more appealing “than” another. “Than” is the word you want when doing comparisons. But if you are talking about time, choose “then“: “First you separate the eggs; then you beat the whites.” Alexis is smarter than I, not “then I."


I have not lost faith in you, Bishop. Even lab rats can learn mazes.

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See what I live with? He almost didn't feed me until I started using its and it's properly.


Too, two, and to and there, they're and their are much bigger discussions, imo.



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Morgause is King Arthur's half sister who slept with him and gave birth to the son that eventually kills Arthur. :) I'm almost positive that's where the name comes from, but there may be other refrences that he was referring to when he made it. I always thought it was a cool name to have for a Warlock.



Yeah it is a really cool name. Which is saying something considering it came from Kris. I'm just happy he didn't go cheese monster style and give her something that had the words dot,dark,shadow or demon in the name.

Edited by Morgause

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