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You use a normal mouse now?!


Hee-hee. . . *blush* yes. . . I do. I forget why I switched. . . probably because I could not find a decent track mouse anymore. haha. . . BOTH of the mouses are normal, too! hee-hee. . . And both my keyboards are the crazy ergonomical ones! Gosh I love them! :)

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wow lemon. your clutter desk has grown much since I was last there.

Edited by Hykos

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tech support for a company that makes veterinary software. i've been (stuck?) in the vet field since i was 17. worked as kennel, tech, receptionist, all 3 at once, and now i sit on my ass all day and eat wendy's and answer questions for stupid people.


sometimes i switch it up and eat mcdonald's instead.

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wow lemon. your clutter desk has grown much since I was last there.


I'm surprised you even remember it from when you were last there xD


I remember that room.. a little foggy in more than one way haha

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I figured the being passed out during most of it part would help you out a bit. :D

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Lemontree you know i've got the same router as you :-P. I'll post a pic of my desk when i get home.



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There a pic of what i see and a pic of my desk. Oh and i noticed that other ppl have the G15, what are you all using for the LCD ??? just the default progs or anything custom? I use Sirreal, vent, and WoW.






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yeah, this room is a total mess. eat me >



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they are 19" :-P


LAWL I think he meant "mulitple."


I don't know if you know this, but in Russia it goes "0, 1, 2 - MANY" So any number >2 = any number basically.


.... So again,


What's with everyone's 17 monitors?

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WTF am i the only one that doesnt have that damn keyboard?


yes. you can be the first to get the G15 version 2. It's sweet looking.

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My corner of my son's Playroom:



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