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I just bought bag, and will be hosting a tourney at my desk later on this afternoon. I'll be sure to report back with the outcome.



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Brown has not additions. No fancy armor or brightness to try and destract the opponent. It is pure power.


But who cares because Green is having alot more fun. Green FTW

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Anyone remember the old M&M's commercial with the Little Leaguer's talking about how the different colored M&M's allow them to get different kinds of hits. And finally the kid says, and when I eat the green one, I go down town. To this day, I only eat the green ones so I can go down town on anything I am doing. Not sure if that made sense, but I'm sticking with it.

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Orange won out of my bag, Yellow won from my officemate's.


His Yellow beat my Orange in the Title Match.



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