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Everything posted by Skee
all i got to say is good fricking luck on that one , my moms puter does the same thing thats why i cant play tilmy new one, i have updated every dam driver changed cards still get that stupid ass error , blizzard i called so much they came over for dinner , if you can figure it out please let me know skee
i say 25 pair of eyes unless one has only one eye then 24 and 1/2 eyes or if someoen is blind then minus a few eyes, skee
well no stories, well ill see ya when i get back skee
skee is sad, i dont get to see what u all doing or the progress you making, i hear tiny tid bits here and there but it doesnt paint a mental picture, ill be back soon puter is coming and i count the days i see the fine hellos to skee but until then im left in the dark... so im asking if you can in some small ways help me see whats going on, guess im asking to see teh creative sides of you all thanks skee
when i read this post i saw a vision of gryph stewart in the kitchen talking to us when he took out his brownies from his easy bake oven in a apron with FP logo on it with his name sewn in the right top side but maybe thats just me skee
Magnificent Heat-Seeking Moisture Missle skee is still skee
PIGEON NEWS -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- PIGEONS ROB LOCAL CONVENIENCE STORE, BUBBLE CREEK -- A gang of marauding pigeons held up a Bubble Creek convenience store and made off with $567 in cash and a package of Armour hot dogs. Said dazed clerk Annie Costello, "At first I thought they were punk kids dressed up like pigeons, but then I realized they were too small to be kids." Local officials say they are combing the area for the criminal pigeons but don't expect to find them, conceding that 'you can't tell a good pigeon from a bad one nowadays.' SCIENCE PROVES PIGEONS DANCE, HATTIE GROVE -- Scientists at the Hattie Grove High School have proven that feral city pigeons do not wander about aimlessly among hurried pedestrians but are actually dancing with them. Biology student Jervis Mason states: "I spent 4 days observing them in a downtown crossing and studied their behavior carefully. The patterns they follow can only be the pigeon version of the Square Dance." Mason cannot determine where and how the city pigeons learned the country dance steps. POLL PROVES MOST PEOPLE DO NOT BELIEVE IN BABY PIGEONS, DURGAN -- A Durgan poll conducted by an independent polling group asked people: Do you believe in baby pigeons? 86% of people polled said no. Most respondents claimed that they had never seen a baby pigeon, so "how could they believe one exists?" 97% of these people were Christians. PIGEON SAVES DROWNING BABY, NEW LOURDES -- A heroic pigeon did a swan dive into a New Lourdes swimming pool and pulled a drowning 2-month-old baby by her hair to her hysterical mother poolside. Ms. June Carroway stated: "I was frantic, but I couldn't save her. I can't swim either." The pigeon made sure the baby was lifted out of the pool by her mother and then flew away. Neighbors are on the lookout for this brave pigeon, saying that, if it comes back, they'll feed it some bread crumbs. ALBANY AUDUBON SOCIETY WANTS THE PIGEON AS THE CITY'S OFFICIAL BIRD, ALBANY -- Albany's local Audubon Society is lobbying the Mayor's Office for the Rock Dove aka city pigeon as Albany's official bird. With the Bluebird as the official state bird, "the bird brainiacs," as AAS member Pete Jones calls his chapter, "do not want to impinge upon New York State's Bluebird image", but "only want to better represent the localized Albany image." An aide in the mayor's office is said by a reliable source to have commented, "I think the stool pigeon would be a better choice." SPECIAL OLYMPICS FOR RACING PIGEONS, TURTLE POND -- The sport of racing pigeons has taken on a new twist. Instead of racing pigeons in flight, Turtle Pond racers are now competing on foot. Pigeon racer Pat Hupplinger predicts, "We think this type of racing will catch on, and it will keep pigeon breeders from losing so many pigeons as they do in traditional racing. Not all of our pigeons are good flyers, ya know." The event takes four hours for one race, and the winning pigeon is required to waddle across a caged 30-foot path to the finish line. CITY PIGEONS HAVE MORE SEX THAN COUNTRY PIGEONS, MATTAQUASQUATCH -- A federally granted twenty-year study of the sexual behavior of pigeons conducted by the ThinkBig Tank Organization has proposed that city pigeons are having more sex than their country counterparts. Scientist Juniper Washington states: "We analyzed population growth and the mating habits of localized flocks. We think the preponderance of sexual activity in the city has to do with a more frenetic lifestyle. The city pigeons find that by releasing their tensions sexually they have a better survival rate." ThinkBig did not offer information on with whom the city pigeons were having sex. HOMING PIGEONS NOW HOMELESS, NORTH GULL -- When Jerrold Tumey died last month, the Revenuers confiscated his home and left his precious flock of homing pigeons homeless. The pigeons, too domesticated to adapt to city living, are now perching atop North Gull residences and begging for food and cages. The compassionate North Gull homeowners are sensitive to the plight of the Tumey pigeons, but are greatly disturbed by the volume of pigeon droppings landing on and around their homes. The Revenuers say they have no legal responsibility for pigeon placement in foster homes. GOD LIVES IN ROCK CITY AND KEEPS PIGEONS, ROCK CITY -- Bible-thumping citizens of Rock City claim that God lives in a small cottage along the Dingle River outside Rock City. Reverend Tuttle states: "We knew he was God when he showed us how he could change maple berries into wine." Other residents say that God's image is everywhere in Rock City: his face is imprinted on the the wall of Marner's General Store and his footprints are impressed on the town hall flagpole. Reverend Tuttle claims God looks something like Bruce Willis and he keeps pigeons. skee is one bored son of a bitch
CASE : Xplorer Mid-Tower Case 420W W/ WINDOW & LCD Temperature Display (Black Case w/Black Face) CPU : (Sckt775)IntelĀ® PentiumĀ® D 820 CPU @ 2.8GHz w/ 800FSB Dual-Core 2x1MB Cache, 64 Bit MOTHERBOARD : MEMSI P4N SLI-FI nForce4 SLI Chipset LGA775 DDR2/667 SATA RAID Dual PCIE w/7.1Audio, GbLAN, IEEE1394&USB2 MORY : (Req.DDR2 MainBoard)1GB (2x512MB) PC4200 DDR2 Dual Channel Memory VIDEO CARD : NVIDIA Geforce 6200 Graphics with TurboCache supporting 256MB 16X PCI Express VIDEO CARD thats what i bought jsut wanted to let you all kow so now i wait skee
they also need to be living in a double wide trailer on abuot 600 acres of land outside a very common used pasture of cows being milked by 56 midgets named bob singing songs of love happiness and and beer drinking belly flopping men that sit in recliners dreaming of young hot women cleaning houses in notrhing but a french maid uniforms.
hands down face down whats the diffrence skee yup yup
heliacon my old freind , why must u think you repulse females , i think u say things like that out of mind games and we all know u sit back and think of the massive stud that you are, i know u want to tell us the truth i can feell it skee
SKEE DAG NABBIT as i sit here in my room in the dark ( dumbass turn the light on) i think of you all , soon very very soon the return of skee sorry for my boring ass posts but fuck who else am i gonna talk to skeebers
siege not gettgin piece by piece im buying a whole tower sorry i call it a cpu my error the link above is the one i thought of buying but wanted to check aruond differtn compnaies thoughts ideas sorry not buying one pice per say im buying the whole tower its self board procss etc sorry the error on words skee so any on line cmpnaies or if that one is good above orjsut opeions helps thanks
siege CPU alone nothing else i have all that here just trying to finda good one like teh one i posted i assume and talking to garnok be great but i cant find people since i cant get online so i post here and hope they see it skee
I wantged to start asking computer help and iodeas for my new one, want to spend 700 dollars on cpu, i know a few compnaies like cyberpower and tigerdirect, etcv but wanted some more input on some good ones, if uc an helpplease list some companies i have this one im interested in but wanted to check around http://www.cyberpowersystem.com/custom/cfg...fga64x2.asp?v=d thanks skee
over the camel toe
hi everyone i miss you all so much i wonder sometimes how things are going, ill be back one day puter still messing up and am trying everyday to fix it, i buy my new in three weeks and will go from there..i hope u all doing well and ill be there soon thomas and his alternate personality skee has left the building
no i haent i followed thru some ideas on ther tech boards of the error 132 , could be anumber of things so im eliminating them one by one then i go to tech support if i cant fix it , im at the stage i found out some inof on some latency issues of bios and mother board ram info to one another so im downloading new board files and bios , they say do that then hit otimize performance and choose 128 , they say some jsut put 128 in the video ram extras in bios and it casues to malfunction so im hopeing this will work Skee
kopi no worries i cant type for shit ill be back someday jsut not today i want to play but i still cant get rid of the error 132 but ill keep trying skee
Hi everyone skee exploded be back soon tell gryph to lower bandwidth on vent now u dont need to worry about paragraphs skee is gone
dammit i left my teapot there with some clothes , cani please have them back , espacilly my teapot see my granmda gave me that when she died so i can rember the timees we shared it almsot like im losing her all over again , so please out the kindess of your heart gimme back my teapot skee