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About Skee

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  1. hello prophets well my last day on wow is tommrow and since i was in FP and LD the longest in all my years on game, Fp holds good times like LD so i wanted to say ty for the fun over the years. im glad Fp was not one of the guilds that blew up and cancelled out. Good luck to you in you future endevors with the new expansion Skee PS ROFLMAO i forgot that signature was still used on this forum omg thats so long ago
  2. yes gryph i hit puberty grew facial hair wanted something differnt it comes and goes
  3. http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a221/skeebawl/CID__Picture004.jpg Yeah i know love the walmart uniform
  4. I would like to come i was suppose to last time to Atl but boss sucked ill even cook if you want me too
  5. Skee

    AQ Progress

    ok did my part turned in 650 linen bandages and 980 runecloth bandages so im a team player what can i say skee
  6. Character Results NAME RACE CLASS LEVEL SERVER Skee Orc Shaman 19 Arthas Skee Gnome Mage 4 Azjol-Nerub Skee Undead Rogue 60 Azshara Skee Night Elf Hunter 15 Blackrock Skee Tauren Shaman 12 Bleeding Hollow Skee Orc Warrior 60 Bloodscalp Skee Gnome Rogue 9 Bonechewer Skee Night Elf Rogue 3 Bronzebeard Skee Human Paladin 13 Cenarion Circle Skee Human Warlock 1 Chromaggus Skee Dwarf Priest 3 Dalaran Skee Human Rogue 5 Darkspear Skee Tauren Hunter 26 Destromath Skee Tauren Shaman 60 Dethecus Skee Troll Hunter 44 Doomhammer Skee Undead Warrior 8 Draka Skee Gnome Mage 12 Eldre'Thalas Skee Human Warrior 60 Elune Skee Human Warrior 14 Emerald Dream Skee Human Paladin 16 Emerald Dream Skee Night Elf Rogue 9 Emerald Dream Skee Night Elf Rogue 11 EU-Aggramar Skee Troll Mage 21 EU-Aman'Thul Skee Orc Warlock 24 EU-Arthas Skee Undead Rogue 25 EU-Azshara Skee Human Mage 9 EU-Bronzebeard Skee Night Elf Warrior 13 EU-Khaz Modan Skee Undead Warlock 16 EU-Kil'Jaeden Skee Night Elf Rogue 23 EU-Mal'Ganis Skee Human Warlock 13 EU-Silvermoon Skee Orc Shaman 5 EU-Stormreaver Skee Human Paladin 43 EU-Terenas Skee Orc Shaman 2 EU-Wrathbringer Skee Night Elf Priest 17 Feathermoon Skee Tauren Shaman 30 Frostmane Skee Gnome Warrior 5 Frostmourne Skee Undead Priest 31 Gorgonnash Skee Tauren Shaman 10 Gul'dan Skee Tauren Druid 24 Icecrown Skee Orc Hunter 6 Illidan Skee Gnome Warlock 2 Kargath Skee Troll Rogue 10 Khaz'goroth Skee Tauren Shaman 50 Kilrogg Skee Orc Shaman 1 Kirin Tor Skee Tauren Shaman 60 Laughing Skull Skee Troll Hunter 3 Lightning's Blade Skee Human Paladin 6 Maelstrom Skee Undead Warlock 3 Mal'Ganis Skee Night Elf Druid 7 Malfurion Skee Human Paladin 12 Medivh Skee Human Paladin 42 Ner'zhul Skee Undead Mage 7 Proudmoore Skee Gnome Rogue 8 Scarlet Crusade Skee Human Warlock 8 Shadow Council Skee Human Rogue 6 Shadow Council Skee Human Mage 3 Silver Hand Skee Gnome Rogue 60 Skullcrusher Skee Orc Hunter 17 Skywall Skee Gnome Warlock 60 Spirestone Skee Troll Hunter 29 Stormrage Skee Undead Rogue 43 Stormreaver Skee Human Warlock 14 Suramar Skee Human Paladin 8 Terenas Skee Human Warlock 4 Thunderhorn Skee Gnome Warrior 2 Twisting Nether Skee Night Elf Priest 9 Uldum Skee Dwarf Warrior 60 Whisperwind Skee Gnome Rogue 9 Zul'jin OMG its world of skee's
  7. we need to shave his balls nothig like a scorned scrotum add my thought, ninja the freaking hell outof everytihng , ninja is fun omg the reactions of 100000000's of people are to die for and the effects of how dam popular u get is unspeakable, so i say ninja..... ok thats a joke appreacite the honesty, but dont kill your self over it shit happens, hell gawd mde a skee a rogue if that aint the most screwed up shit i have ever seen then nothig is.. in other words shit happens
  8. Cauliflower and Crab soup this was simply amazing 1 8oz package of imitation crab meat ( add more if wanted) 1 pint of half and half 3 tbsp flour i added little more for better thickness 1 can 14 oz chicken broth ( i added little water to increase size ) 1 red bell pepper ( finely cut) 1 grated lemon peel ( bout a teaspoon) 2 1/2 cups cauliflower ( i jsut pikced a small head and used the whole thing) mix broth cauliflower red bell pepper and lemon in a saucepan bring to boil cover simmer 6 - 8 minutes until caulifloer is tender crisp add Half and half and flour bring to boil add crab meat stir until heat mixture serve easy as pie i salted and pppered to taste but aslo add creale seasoning ( tony zachs ) takes buot 15 minutes easy dinner and fast skee
  9. is that a roach clip in hte middle of the table, now i see why people eat so much chinese
  10. your jsut jealous etch
  11. whats really sad is i cant even say stang is handsome or cute or anyting cause im old enouhg to be his daddy ( stang dont go there) so i feel like i should jsut say hes a adorable son skee
  12. Skee


    if u click on the first picture the caption says underneath so i did , for loofa and stang skee
  13. loofa i got a few magazines i know of in florida and texas that i could get u in , for modeling im sure allllllllllll the bars would get a great love for u here skee
  14. sonny this should make u feel better, i work at 3 am , i cant read teh boards fast enough on the days i might get to raid and guess what im a rogue.. squeezed aint the word im using ... i have been flattened skee
  15. i bought a 3800 dul core kl8n sli board , with a 6200 256 gforce card , i gig of ddr 400, case , three extra fans , heat sink, i already had everythig elkse i got it for 730 bucks i have been happy with it so far skee
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