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About Talisien

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  1. Wow, congratulations!
  2. Talisien

    Patch 2.0.3

    I used to use Slam all the time on my horde warrior as a rage dump in raids. It reduces your swing time basically, at the cost of rage. I found it more effective than WW while I was MS. This was a long time ago...
  3. Talisien

    The Dumb Table

    Fura would've blamed it on a Paladin if he thought he could get away with it. 'I wasn't sleeping!'
  4. Talisien

    The Dumb Table

    My guildleader once pulled Vael with Fire Ward (aka Fire blast) "But, they look so similar!"
  5. Talisien


    I laughed so hard I cried. That was beyond amazing.
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