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Everything posted by forevergirl

  1. Take a look at Savage 2. I was completely amazed by the first game. It's what battleground should have been. They are bringing some "wow" features in the version 2 (more classes/spells) but it remains a non persistent game i.e limited addiction... http://savage2.s2games.com/
  2. Gratz guys and good luck at C'Thun. For whatever reason I found this guy to be easier than what I had expected. The Vendetta Boss mod helps a lot with the positionning in phase 1
  3. sad news I'll remember the young tank guiding me (and my noob guildies) through Sunken Temple. "stay back, they fear" he said in a calm but firm voice...before we aggroed the whole room... Farewell Gryph.
  4. thanks guys. Really thanks
  5. 4 Druids ? The only way we could have 4 druids would be to send scouts in Darnassus and sign contracts with level 10 druids with guaranteed Epic mounts and all I almost regret /gkicking our most active Druid 2 months ago.... Jokes aside, I'm afraid that we have to deal with BWL with maybe 4/5 Priests and an average of one druid per raid oh, and most of our pallies suck too.
  6. Ok. We had our first attempts yesterday. Maybe 5 wipes before, at last, we managed to see Nefarian land for phase 2. It's fair to say that we haven't found the right solution to phase 1 yet though. This being said we were very short on healers with 4 priests and no druids. We also had, apparently, one of the worst spawn configuration with Red and Black Draconids. For the first 4 attempts we tried to spread the raid evenly. We had troubles killing the buggers with AoE and even more troubles keeping them at the AoE spot. Lots of draconids leak to the other side, wander to casters, etc. For the last 2 attempts we tried something interesting : one door was full caster and the other was full melee. It worked better. At least on the melee side who was basically able to kill the mobs almost at the rate they spawned. Caster side was clearly more overwhelmed. If I understand Gryph well, you guys rely a lot on Pallies. Can you elaborate a bit ?
  7. High guys. Yeah...I know...we've been slow lately. A bunch of members left and the guild was suddenly without any Druid and it hurt a bit our progression in BWL. But, still, Chromaggus is down on our first attempt raid and we start Nefarian tonight (with one druid....) I had a stupid question about the opening of the Chrom fight. I volunteered to go activate the lever but would really like to know if there's a way I can survive this crap task... Oh, and if you have tips for Nefarian, speak now or forever...errr...what whas it again ? /cheer
  8. WoW. Just WoW. And Gratz too. Yes, WoW and Gratz.
  9. Time flies... Happy birthday to you guys and good luck in your adventures
  10. Hey Heilel I'm on Twilight's Hammer, Europe. I send you a pm
  11. I'll get Ventrilo Thanks Gryph
  12. Hi guys. We killed Razorgore yesterday using a strategy that our raid leader had seen on a video : only the Dragonkins are kited, we kill all the rest (casters first of course, then Legionnaires) So, right after that we went to have our first few wipes at Vael and I'm of course turning to you guys for the next step because if I want Elementium Ore we'd better get moving I saw somewhere that you were using Exodia's strat but I don't seem to find it on the site :/ thanks for your support. fpftmfw
  13. Kasis !!!! I had forgotten the dancing queen I downloaded the program but there is one thing I haven't been able to do : how do you chain animations ? All I can get is a single one. Found no use for the drop down "position" button I think I'll make a FG one. Let me think...she was blonde, right ?
  14. awww...that's so sweet Actually I was considering calling my next character Shoop. Errr...yes...ok...if I have another child I'll call it Erlin
  15. Maybe some of you have experienced issues with chat channels since 1.9. The most frequent problem is the inability to see the LFG channel while away from IF. Here is my experience on that : I issued a ticket but it was rejected for the following reason : "Blizzard doesn't answer gaming related questions because there are things that are best discovered by adventuring, etc." I issued another ticket asking how on earth I could solve a technical issue by "adventuring" the world of Azeroth and I eventually got a GM online. He told me to leave the lookingforgroup channel and rejoin it while in a major city. The chat that follow had my guild laughing for a long time : me : but will I be able to see the LFG channel while I'm away from IF GM : you'll be able to see the LFG channel of the zone you're in. me : no, no. I want to see the IF channel. GM : connecting to a remote channel is not permitted me : what ? since when ? Am I supposed to sit in IF all day waiting for a party ? GM : You can use meeting stones me : meeting stones, come on... What if I want to quest or farm while looking for a group ? GM : Questing ? at lvl 60 ? me : *speechless*
  16. forevergirl


    http://www.thottbot.com/?p=Forevergirl omg, omg /famous
  17. /target Forevergirl /script UseContainerItem(0, 1); /script TargetLastEnemy(); Ok, this one works in term of bandaging but I lose my combo points on the target Any idea ?
  18. I think I tried this version of the Macro, Shoop, and it didn't work. I'll try again. One of the issues for rogues is that we can't afford to loose our target otherwise the combo points are lost. It's frustrating....I have been using this macro since last January at least
  19. I can't seem to find any trace of it on the web (well...a version that works) and since I can no longer access my account I was wondering if you could help. It's something a bit like : /script TargetUnit(Forevergirl) /script UseContainerItem(Bag0, Item1); /script TargetLastEnemy(); Thanks guys
  20. I never saw you in the game. As far as I'm concerned you could well be a fat assed tauren cow but it was always refreshing and fun to read your guildchat.
  21. ThinkGeek is one of my favorite shopping sites on the web. Last xmas I got myself a...... http://www.thinkgeek.com/images/products/other/lightsaber_extend-small.gif Best gift ever
  22. http://www.thinkgeek.com/images/products/front/pa_wang.jpg Caption from the site : Listen up, everybody in Ironforge - specifically those of you on the Cenarius server. This is no commonplace wang I have on offer. This wang, tempered in the Molten Core, has a variety of properties I think you may find... unique. 100% cotton black heavyweight t-shirt with WTS [WANG] x1 PST printed on the front in white and purple. Penny Arcade logo on the back in white. Only on ThinkGeek : http://www.thinkgeek.com/tshirts/gaming/76e8/
  23. forevergirl


    Must be me then...Yeah. Definitly me
  24. That's probably the expansion of Dawn of War. I have the original game but there was no snow back then
  25. I had a pink tabbard on the test server and, actually, it DOES stand out. I kinda liked it. The guild who had invited me there had also the coolest name : "I believe that you have my stapler"
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