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Everything posted by Defaeco

  1. Now I have the Fugee's Killing Me Softly (I guess that was the title)stuck in my head... that's going to be stuck in my head all day at work now... son of a *%^ Thanks gef, no really. Shameless bump and pointless use of the forum space.
  2. Luckily this is a joke... but people are actually trying to do this: http://bits.blogs.nytimes.com/2007/09/11/p...r-daughters/?hp
  3. ya... if the last lvl is the one w/ the lights, then i know what to do- i just can't get this robot to move right...
  4. where the meteor ending the dinosaurs hit? edit: lol... guess i shouldn't leave this reply window open so long while i work.
  5. classic http://www.theonion.com/content/node/47492
  6. i have like no idea about that stuff, but where there's a will there's a way. if they blocked fp i bet y'all could find some way around it.
  7. i've been getting it all day today too... i thought work finally blocked the site- thank god garnok and joe are in our data center muahahaha.
  8. everybody says a link is bad/gross/whatever... and i click it everytime, oh well could've been much worse.
  9. I wish I could be going 85mph otw to work this morning.... Schools back in, traffic sucks. Screw education, take all that lotto money and build more roads.
  10. Blizz decided the lock set only looked on par with the other sets. So, they're reallocating the entire blizz dev to make it omgwtf awesome, important changes can take a back seat because if locks don't have the coolest gear then the game is obviously broke. /endlockhaterant j/k i love locks, just gotta whine about them every once in a while.
  11. Seemed to take a good while to load up, but it let me.
  12. blue
  13. not to steal the thread, but you gotta give it up to a lvl 8 ogre looking for a date (any druids looking for some action!?) http://www.craigslist.org/about/best/aus/314979450.html
  14. wow... someone just got craigslistPWNED.
  15. Yeah, so I'm a bit of a psych dork, but this was pretty cool- found it on wiki. This is the largest psychological/sociological study of gamers (well it has the largest sample group). It's a psych test based on 4 dimensions and I thought the test described my online personality pretty well. http://www.guildcafe.com/bartle.php I'm a SEAK SEAK players are usually very interested in the the 'total experience' of a virtual world--meeting other people and finding the unique places within it. They don't care much for PVP or levelling, but meeting up with online friends to see new parts of the world is usually fun and exciting. Breakdown: Achiever 40.00%, Explorer 60.00%, Killer 40.00%, Socializer 60.00%
  16. http://www.postchronicle.com/news/original..._21297594.shtml How do I not have this flick? And I wonder who they got to play a horny gnome? mmmm
  17. mullet
  18. Defaeco

    Test Realm

    Can we get into test servers now? I remember someone saying they took down copies to the test server since so many servers were down.
  19. Wow now that's what i call service!!! 1min turn around ftw you rock!
  20. hey- haven't really been to the forums since my app, but figured it'd be a good time to start. besides, gotta find something to do during long days at work. could someone give me access? thanks!
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