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About Tutubo1

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  1. Tutubo1

    Wii Games

    Who else in here is looking forward to the Wii's vitality sensor!?! Gonna be hot! Sigh.
  2. I love that video.
  3. Tutubo1


    /SIGN UP! =P
  4. ^ I agree completely. I was very excited for Warhammer and absolutely LOVED the beta. Everything was so much fun. You can just PvP to level! Group quests were AWESOME! Instant queues, fairly balanced PvP and a much better mana/energy/rage system than what WoW uses. This game is going to kill WoW! Everyone that was in Beta with me seemed to agree! Then the servers went live. Queue times were completely broken. Now you can PvP to level, but wait 46 minutes between matches. This meant pure PvE in order to level up. Not so bad, it'll just be like WoW. WRONG! If you wanted to level up via PvE you were FORCED to do EVERY quest in EVERY zone and you'd still have to grind out the rest of your level. It got so bad that me and Beorn would just run around and AOE grind since there was nothing else to do. It really is ashame that they didn't just wait til after Wrath to bring out a more polished game. If they would have given the Order just SOME cool character models I think the population problems would have been fixed. Order looked horrible. I wanted to play a Bright Wizard but I couldn't bring myself to having red hair and a funky beard. Such a shame. In all it is kind of like Bang said, once you hit level 22 the game became more of a chore than anything. The PvP was broken. The PvE was broken. The game became useless.
  5. Bramas's Flash Heal heals Gryph for 1063. Bramas's Flash Heal heals Gryph for 1182. Awesome. That group 1 was ftw!
  6. Oh man, good pics. /flash heal.
  7. You can just download it from the site.
  8. Wait a second.. Gynis is your boyfriend?! o.O
  9. I agree with Memphis.
  10. Well me and Jen are both now transfered. Should be able to play a bit more now, although Fallout 3 is still going to eat away at my free time. I'll get Jen to start leveling her toon though to at least catch up to me. Oh and Bob, I have a game card for you.. but it'lll cost you.
  11. OBAMA 08!!!!
  12. Sigh. If you hadn't reserved I could have switched tonight. Damn you Dagorian. I'll be on tomorrow night and we can get me transfered then hopefully.. so be on! Or PM me your account details.
  13. Never needed it. Have you not heard? The champ is here.
  14. SO, I was searching Youtube for random crap to watch at 3AM.. and I found gold. Ravenheart, the song. It Is Perfect. COME TO ME... RAVENHEART!!!!!!!!
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