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Everything posted by Gomaloro

  1. Gomaloro

    Play Ball!

    how bout that A-Rod
  2. Gomaloro

    Play Ball!

    yankees ftw
  3. Gomaloro

    Play Ball!

    the red sox make me sick
  4. wings
  5. liquid hot magma
  6. rewards
  7. feral druid lawl
  8. tupac
  9. gangsta
  10. jail
  11. boom boom
  12. old
  13. burning
  14. wings
  15. Gomaloro

    Look for me

    Ok so tonight im going to the Rutgers/Syracuse college basketball game tonight and you guys should look for me on tv. Ill be wearing a blue, white and red striped polo so if you see me gimme a shoutout.......LETS GO RU!
  16. my head hurts ...........
  17. Gomaloro

    Xbox 360!

    i dont own GoW but my gamertag is ShadowSlaya1208 so add me
  18. well to go into detail, last night i logged on, spent my talents then went to learn skills, then nothing worked so i alt f4. Then im stuck at retreiving char list for the rest of the day. today i had to re spend my talents and when i was learning skills im at the same spot.
  19. http://www.fmft.net/archives/BBC_NEWS.htm check it out, personally i found it amusing
  20. Gomaloro

    Go Vote!

    but im too young to vote
  21. i <3 bacon!!!!
  22. ehh if its not jan 24th it will be withen a week of that probably
  23. the exact date is jan 24, 2006. Gotta love knowing peopl who work at gamestop lol
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