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About Feanore

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  • Race
    Night Elf
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  • Location
    Hovering miles above Bob's IQ
  1. I was saying something along the following lines in Discord today: It's great as a chat client, but not really useful for starting (and keeping) threads of conversation. Thoughts?...
  2. Think they nailed it...
  3. He didn't?... http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0112462/ Oh, you mean the more recent 'Dark Knight' movies.../endcomicgeekage Personally, I say screw the superheroes! Gimme the anti-heroes like these guys: http://media.comicvine.com/uploads/1/11307...sycho_super.jpg http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Grendel_%28comics%29
  4. ownage?
  5. Feanore

    The old days

  6. Just watched the intro scene of the pilot...Considering I'm already rolling on the floor (hard to type this way), think this is a winner!
  7. Awesomeness! Booo to teachers that don't get it. And speaking of not getting it...I never really got into Full Metal Alchemist...Just seemed kinda hokey to me...Guess I didn't 'get' it. Macross, Robotech, Akira, Ghost in the Shell. These are things I can get behind! There were a few more I remember, but it's been ages. Definitely gonna check out Gurrenn Lagann when I have time.
  8. I remember after stang switched to a gnome, whenever I was looking for him in SW I'd often go right past him several times, forgetting I was looking for a gnome rather than sexy-pants NE.
  9. My 'quality time' with Amy consists of fencing, archery and seeing who's horse is faster...I think I'm more emo than she is
  10. Zomg! Long time no see!
  11. 'Vendorstrike' /nod to the old school MC l00tz
  12. Feanore

    New Mix

    Oi... I've obviously been workin to much to be 2 days let. Downloading now!
  13. Um...Skullcrusher United was reborn months ago as channel SCUnited. Was kinda cool for a couple of weeks but mostly fizzled. I'm still in it but I'll /join SCU as well if that's where all the cool kids are hanging out.
  14. Downloading now!
  15. I lol'd
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