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About Icester1

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  1. Stang if you take the flight from moonglade to darkshore you will see them dancing, you have to go climb mountains then slowfall down there to get to them. Its fun for a bit... then you have to hearth to get out XD. I'm going to start doing regular exploration trips and i'll start posting them here.
  2. Not sure if you folks have been here or not, but without further delay heres my trip to shatterspear village. Happy Trolls! Standing with Renn at the first hut http://i136.photobucket.com/albums/q165/kisuragik/rennkelly.jpg Dancing with the trolls http://i136.photobucket.com/albums/q165/kisuragik/shatterspeardancing2.jpg Dancing again! http://i136.photobucket.com/albums/q165/kisuragik/shatterspeardancing1.jpg Named mob 1? but why is she named....maybe a purpose at some point. http://i136.photobucket.com/albums/q165/kisuragik/namednpc2.jpg Named mob 2? Maybe were on to something! http://i136.photobucket.com/albums/q165/kisuragik/namednpc1.jpg
  3. Theres the feed of it. Regardless in my opinion weather or not he was actually attempting to take a swing at bush's military career and education, He meant what he said. because he said "let me make it crystal clear I apologize to no one." So right there I believe he meant what he said, but later changed his mind when he realized how bad he screwed up.
  4. In response to John Kerry's so called "botched joke" A platoon of National guard Engineers have responded with this banner =) http://www.strangemilitary.com/images/content/120390.jpg
  5. http://i94.photobucket.com/albums/l108/kellykisuragi/WoWScrnShot_120705_015630.jpg About the oldest screenie I have, about 6-8 months old =) yes...55-60 took quite some time for me (not to mention my 4 month break from the game)
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