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About Muublackhoof

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    Quebec ( Frenchland )
  1. HDMI cable only if you got a HD-ready TV, remote is useless, memory card useless if you still have a PS2, so the real price you could pay would be more like : 743.97-94.97 = 649$ You can always wait and buy some accessories later to lessen to blow on the wallet. Still, it's a lot for a console and this is not affordable to everyone. I'll be going for the Wii instead because I'm not that attracted to the whole "eye-candy" brought by the PS3.
  2. As much as I enjoy the 5k+ shadowflames, I prefer using my "IWIN" button which is as simple as that macro : /script c=CastSpellByName;i,n,a,s=GetShapeshiftFormInfo(3); if(IsBuffActive("Berserker Rage")) then c("Defensive Stance()");else if a then c("Berserker Rage()");else c("Berserker Stance()");end;end; Defensive stance to Zerk stance, use Zerk rage, Zerk stance to Defensive. Just gotta press the key 3 times in a row and it's GG. Still, WTB Dorf Priests.
  3. On thurday october 19th, Forgotten Prophets of Eredar down Nefarian with a green / blue dragon combo. [item]Stormrage Chestguard[/item] [item]Netherwind Robes[/item] [item]Lok'amir Il Romathis[/item] [item]Pure Elementium band[/item] [item]Head of Nefarian[/item] MT'ing Nefarian without Fear Ward is a bitch, nuff said.
  4. We use a hunter to pet pull, with the main tank using bloodrage to pull aggro when the big guy is close and then we use the wall with the ramp for MT healers and the alcove behind him for DPS and their healers. Seems it worked very well for us
  5. Hey guys, just thought I'd hit you folks with some of our newest progress in Blackwing Lair. This week we got Broodlord down for the first time, then all other bosses started dropping like flies and, tonight, on our first night of attempts, we killed Chromaggus ( Incinerate / Ice breath ) and cleared it all up to Nefarian. That's about it, check out our guild pages for screenshots ( soon ) www.fpguild.net Grats on your Razuvius kill, keep up the progress in Naxx and AQ40. - Muublackhoof, Officer of Eredar's FP
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