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About Omarus

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  1. Omarus

    So finally...

    Hope this help: >>>>ECHOES<<<<
  2. Omarus

    So finally...

    I didnt teach you, you already knew those. I was just translating
  3. Omarus

    So finally...

    If you sing, I'll play it. I have been told you have awesome spanish speaking skills already.
  4. Omarus

    So finally...

  5. Omarus

    So finally...

    K K, i just was trying to play HEY YOU on standard tunning, no arpeggios but strumming instead, sounds interesting btw . Need to improve my pronunciation.
  6. Omarus

    So finally...

    I don't know lol, I don't have your myspace adress. Just a guess he he. In fact that is one of songs I like the least but it did fit what I was thinking
  7. Omarus

    So finally...

    A semi old school one. I'm just looking for Memphis to sing a song....WISH SHE WAS HERE...he he he /wave to you too =)
  8. Omarus

    So finally...

    /tar Andrie /cast Flash Heal (Rank 1)
  9. Omarus

    So finally...

    ..I've recovered my password here. /wave.
  10. The fact is that I got bored with PvE content due to I hadn't anyhting to prove and achieve myself in PvE enviroment plus the incompatibility of my RL and Lawl schedules. I was thinking quiting the game, but decided to try some PvP content before, so I joined Puppies: organized, non-scheduled, no painful mats farming days (holy healer specced and geared priest's DPS FTL). Now that I have hit rank 11 and therefore, have proven myself I can give my best in PvP groups, I decided to quit WoW. This game doesn't have anything to challenge me anymore. A few of my last words will be to you : Thanks to you for be my first group PvP inspiration.
  11. Congratulations JRV. I still remember those days of horde pwnage in Gadgetzan before the goblin's nets patch and also remember your invitation to SCU when we randomly met in AB. Keep rocking and /cheer, Omarus.
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