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About yanina

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  • Location
    Nashville TN
  • Interests
    um WoW sex drinking .....need i say more =p
  1. yanina


    wtf you thinking stang?!?! lol hope you like the fuzzy p sitting on you love o.0 did i say that <3 yanina
  2. yanina

    Hey FP!

    lol thats just whats on skullcrusher and i just got back from a 6mo break from wow rofl before my break and since closed beta testing i was a house wife ....have a full time job now but since i know where all the quests are it wont be anything to level my pally when we get them o.0
  3. ok i was takin a look at yall's chit list and i think its hilareous that its full of alliance not horde ...kinda like ourside is more pissed at us then yall oh and wendigo brewing co Shankmcgank = moron who needs to be kos'd no matter where or when you see him has a bunch of alts with names like sinisterwar sinistermage etc. he has a grudge against me cause he ninja'd a priest robe when he was 58 with none of the set against one of his guildy's who was 60 and had like 5/8... his guildies proceeded to disband and join Death Company which i was leading at the time and ever since then he has tried to make hell for me like posting some BS on retal forums when i was looking for a guild therefor ruining my chance at getting in. juliehealsu lol i saw that and had to laugh ....she <he> sits in org and kills our guards to get attention go figure. actually im suprised he can still walkinto org with out dying to guards by now. He goes up to places like WS and MC's farmers out of owl wing sanctuary and jumps them off cliffs for fun. hmm alliance that i cant stand ...usually its wendigo brewing co Marrypotter - gnome rogue gooselady- warlock list used to be alot longer but i can never remember their names after an hour of screaming o.0
  4. yanina

    Hey FP!

    o.0 looking forward to it ! just dun tell mah husband ! Stang dont feel bad im full resto also cause atm progression > pvp if i feel like pvping i get on mage , rogue, shammy and go join a BG only unless im gettin ganked then i gank back o.0 my dro0d is pure escape and love artist! even sniffs flowers ! much <3
  5. yanina

    Hey FP!

    hrmmm dis pile of fur? http://www.geocities.com/shellybelly1217/WoWScrnShot_080806_181657.jpg yah im the cute one in the middle with big fangs aint nuttin like a big pile of warm furry men to roll around in o.0 lol i thought it was cute when you all piled around me so i just had to take a SS
  6. yanina

    Hey FP!

    This is Yanina saw Stang posted on Conventus forums and just ran into some of yall in LHC ....just wanted to say hiya I used to Co-lead Death company before they became damnosa hereditas and also before DH and the rest of conventus merged together My husband Jarlaxell is still with conventus but i moved on to onslaught. i have another account and might level a toon on yalls side one day so i can keel horde that upset me =p like my husband See yall around in the great big World of Warcraft much <3
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