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Everything posted by Gwenevere

  1. Gwenevere


    hey tierla! i remember u! i just started playing again after a long break, u killed me? where? lol...i dont remember, but thats not surprising. No, i didn't dust the hunter The good ole dayz....horde pvp..../sigh how have u been ? great to hear from u! My ex doesn't really play anymore, but if he does he is keeping it a big secret..../issues ....yeah Anyway, hope to see u in Outlands some time, although im usually in bg somewhere, maybe ill see u there too
  2. its all a big conspiracy imo.....democrats , republican, libitarian, chose the lesser evil perhaps..... at least Bush will be gone....
  3. will someone try to go to account management page and tell me if they can get in...please thanx
  4. it's not bringing up the page at all....every other page I go to works fine....I don't know what is up with this....it just acts like it is loading but never loads...I'm about to go to another computer and try to activate my card there....but that just friggin sux...it shouldn't take but a few secs to load the acct. management page....wtf.... going to try once more and if it doesnt work, Im gonna try another computer....
  5. ok sooo....I have high speed now, everything went fine, downloaded all the patches...and for some friggin' reason I can't open the god damn account management page....blah....this is royally pissing me off....anyone know why this is happening to me??
  6. i remember trying to swim from Darnassus to ....somewhere.... shit. im still a noob.
  7. I remember using the arrow keys to move for the longest time, until my brother was like wtf are u doing? he showed me WASD...and then the whole straif (sp?) key thing....zomg....!! yeah Im not left handed either...so obviously I never spent much time on the computer until WoW. rogues use to kick my ass in duel, until I actually learned how to play hunter against a rogue....ice trap, flare...so on. bahahahaha.....u say its cheap but hell I hate losing .....
  8. Gwenevere


    should be back online Wednesday....internet dude is coming at 11:00am can't wait to play!
  9. haha....that would suck.... topical cream.....lol
  10. wow....salvadorian men sure are the friendly type.... i wish I could understand spanish....lol
  11. yay! I got a new job today! I start tommorow at 4:30...I will be waitressing tables at a Salvadorian/Latin American Restaurant. Bring on the refried beans. hope to be playing again by next week....aye me. gratz on Hydross...yall look hawt and glittery in that pic.
  12. I miss you guys /hug /kiss
  13. hello FP, it has been months since I have played WoW...Im still level 60...not sure if I am even still part of this guild, but I am looking into getting back into playing very soon. I have been going thru alot of issues in real life...and my life is starting to settle down a little bit. I just got out of a 28 day program and relocated to another state, VA. Unfortunatly, I only have dial up atm and that just won't work. sooooo soon as I get a real connection I would love to pvp with u guys once again. I miss WoW soooo much. Just thought I would drop a few lines to u guys. peace and love, gwen
  14. Gwenevere

    Hey guys....

    Hello FP, I know have been inactive for about a month and i am still on probation .....but i have had a lot going on....I understand if u want to kick me out of the guild.... My account is back up and ready to be played the problem is that i don't really have a computer atm that is capable of running WoW. I plan to visit my boyfriend's house this weekend and play, ZOMG...i can hardly wait..... Yes, it has been a rough couple of months for me, lots of family issues going on and i have a full time job now. I wish I had the freetime i use to have.....I miss playing alot....Anyway, it's no biggie if u guys feel as if I shouldn't be in the guild, i won't be able to play much anymore except for on the weekends until i get a new computer. But i hope that u all can understand that real life issues come before WoW and i really enjoy being a part of this fabulous guild. Well , hope to talk to u all in game this weekend! Peace and love, Gwenevere
  15. why hello everyone......... i know , i know, it has been forever since i have been online and playing WoW , but i have had alot of RL issues to deal with over the past few months.....I'm not even sure if i am still a part of this fabulous guild...?? BUT....My account is back up and ready to be played.....so come this weekend....i will be playing and OH BOY I CAN"T WAIT!!!! I miss playing and chatting with everyone sooooo much......I especially miss pvp, it is such a great stress reliever!! Oh yeah , congrats on the Twin Emps! That is totally awesome!! Anyway, hope to chat with u guys this weekend, I miss u all and i can't wait to fuck up some horde!!!
  16. Hey guys, In case u are wondering why I havent been online lately.... 1. I moved 2. My account was hacked during the move..... So, yeah.....I have a petition going to Blizzard, going to do some kind of account retrieval thing ..... I logged onto the forums and found out that my account had been banned for 72 hours for racial slurs .... and so that tipped me off that someone had been on my account....I wasnt able to log in again until Saturday ..and that's when i got REALLY depressed.....I'm missing 12 epics on my hunter and all my brother's pally gear/ weapons are missing....Whoever did this also /gquit my guild and my bro's guild.... Hopefully i'll get my stuff back.....I miss playing WoW....I feel lost ...lol I can't beleive that this even happened......All that time i spent on Gwenevere and now she is missing alot of stuff Anyway, just wanted to say hey to u guys and let u know what happened, hopefully i'll be back online in a week or so , im still trying to get internet service set up here...../sigh....../cry......Im slowly going insane.....
  17. Gwenevere

    Hey guys =)

    Argh! My brother wont let me play!! /cry !! SO this is the only way i can thank u guys again for the invite and to say, Congrats Jrv!! I know you have been waiting a long time for today and gosh u deserve it =) !!! Well, just wanted to say hello to my new guildies. Hopefully my brother will quit being a little brat and let me play a few hours tonight =). Good luck in the world of Azeroth tonight....wow im so bored...lol
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