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About Nuzzilules

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  1. I fall for everything. It's why it's not fair. And throwing your members into fatal cardiac arrest is murder. I promise not to swear if you stop killing.
  2. Why?
  3. Stang you M T Fer(sorry had to edit<3). I'd expect this from RR or something.
  4. I wasn't a little kid then and I'm sure as hell not one now. You'd think that'd be obvious by now.
  5. I get that a lot.
  6. Ah the legendary Word Association Thread. Before I post my word, does anyone know where the hell Mike disappeared to? That guy made me ache in laughter... Ok: Nexus.
  7. Hey Exist, do you still have that sig on your comp? If you do, could you send it? And here is the face of Xension-Jules: http://s16.photobucket.com/albums/b45/aval...mgAnch=imgAnch1 I'm gonna admit when I first met you guys, I added a few years to my real age. I was 12 when I first met you guys and I didn't want to risk being treated like a little kid. I'm 15 now.
  8. Hahaha. Still a forum troll without the game Shu? I think that's kinda funny. Anyone keep tabs on 7.0 or Dairne? 7.0 was like the first person I met in Warcraft 3 and Dairne, well he saved my ass when I played my mage on Skullcrusher. And what about Junior and Turbo? They hang around on these forums?
  9. Nuzzilules

    4 Years UCA

    Yeah, it's a warlock. I rolled it a long time BEFORE they became flavor of the month, so I know what I'm doing and have been melting face for a while now. Doing pretty good on my server. It's gone through a lot of changes since the transfer but my guild is pretty cool to chill out with while I rank up. I just got two new mounts from being Lieutenant General. ^^
  10. Going grand. I'm making a dash for General on my server so I'm playing a little more than necessary but meh, nothing else is going on. Huhu eh? I haven't really gotten into the raiding scene. I've been running 20 mans with my small guild and appearing on the pvp scene. How's everyone doing here?
  11. Nuzzilules

    4 Years UCA

    Jules still lives. I just noticed this post after I made mine. The Horde UCA fell through but I kept playing on my server and leveled up. I've been climbing up the honor rankings now. I'm a Lieutenant General on Gurubashi.
  12. So I went to the Skullcrusher realm forums considering I used to be in this guild. And asked about where you went. Stang responded, so I don't think recognized me the way he did respond. It's Jules, any of you remember me? Warcraft 3 days?
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