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About siegeman

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  • Location
    Chestnut Hill, Massachusets
  1. Hmmm.... keeping a record of the place and time it sees your car? I smell lawsuits!
  2. Man, for a second there I thought you meant Pirates of the Burning Sea, but no! Caribbean? Bah, I say, BAH!
  3. Eight sounds good to me. What channel shall we meet in?
  4. Practice?! This is all about showing people you can still beat them after not having played for months. For shame.
  5. Go go VPN! I'm ready to play whenever you are! IM when you have a time.
  6. My school blocks the B.Net port. =/ Rest assured, being on the IT staff, I will look into it!
  7. http://www.protoporia.gr/protoporia/assets/books/1853263265.jpg
  8. Huh? Are you trying to pwn a tire puncture with some fancy leather touch-up kit?
  9. http://www.janbrett.com/images/manual_sign_h_hedgehog.jpg Beat you 2x: Next letter AND hedgehogs are insectivorous.
  10. Your face doesn't count. <.< >.>
  11. http://news.softpedia.com/images/news2/Flash-Player-for-Linux-2.png *gasp!*
  12. siegeman


    I bet... more thinking! (not out loud though)
  13. Oh noes! Not EQ!
  14. siegeman


    Oh man, you're right... if technic is in it then how can anyone resist? That 50 ft. tall robot is looking awfully appealing....
  15. Dante's Inferno O.o
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