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Everything posted by Ryee

  1. Also! Take some time to edit your user profile if you're not a new user! We modified a lot of the info for 2019 wow and real life.
  2. I like everything about this.
  4. Thats why it's important to always add new bands to the outside.
  5. This is now bigger and colorful-er. THREAD NECRO!
  6. Ryee


    This is hands down the funniest thing you've ever said on forums.
  7. Ryee


    :obligatory gay come on here:
  8. Safety schmafety. Besides, I couldn't possibly fit four people in the cab of my truck.
  9. Beck you had better attend! And Brn...I haven't decided yet. My group of oily mediterranean men cancelled and I lost my deposit. So now I'm unsure.
  10. I refuse to divulge my arrival time. Just be on the lookout for rainbows and glitter signaling my presence.
  11. Ryee

    Texting =P

    (208): I woke up this morning to the buzzer on my oven going off... I cooked fish sticks at 425 degrees for 5 hours last night. my house smells awesome
  12. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=x0Zg4nuejXM HAPPY BIRTHDAY SARAH!
  13. Gimme fraps!
  14. This video would have gotten a 9/10 from me...BUT YOU MISSPELLED ULDUAR IN THE CREDITS. So now it gets a 7.
  15. This poll did not have enough options. failpoll
  16. Ryee

    Miss Andrie! <3

    Penny!!! Selamat Jadi Hari!
  17. Ryee


    Scotty pants...scotty pants! Happy Bday!
  18. http://www.advocate.com/video/index.asp?showID=1124777
  19. I'll bring my awesome Rock Band drum skills. God that sounds so nerdy.
  20. You all are so tame in that thread. Nowadays its much more brutal.
  22. Brnnnnnnnnn Roshhhhhhhhhhh....bang. LUL jk Happy Birthday all!
  23. Ryee

    Donating Blood

    The AIDS outbreak in America wasn't really in full force/recognized by the CDC until '77.
  24. Ryee

    Donating Blood

    I got your photo, but um...yeah homo, and I dont live in Georgia.
  25. I luld (clicky to watch)
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