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About corkie

  • Rank
  • Birthday 08/12/1987

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  • Location
    Milky Way Galaxy
  1. corkie

    DJ hero?

    Dizzy Rascal vs Organ Donor DO, WANT.
  2. corkie


    Dont even want to level him for nostalgic reasons.
  3. corkie


    Idk, I think I just need the hair up.
  4. corkie


    The secret is in the dancing. Idk but when I get really drunk I just like to start dancing. Ask Secretsauce, he'll tell ya hahha.
  5. corkie


    Hahaha, I just turned 22 and people still say I look 17. Got some good genes I guess. And I killed 2 of those mugs man: I went home and passed out on my lawn for a good 15mins while eating a burrito. Twas a fun night.
  6. corkie


  7. 22. I'm getting old :/ Though, I still look like if I'm 16. Gift, or a curse?! Btw, I suspect I'll be needing a new liver by the end of the day. Will post pics if I take any.
  8. corkie

    Wii Games

    For the Wii? No. For anything else? Yes. Also drunken SSB is def fun. Almost as fun as drunken Rock Band. Have to remember to record it next time haha.
  9. corkie

    Wii Games

    Honestly, you must have been playing with some pretty terrible people then. It gets pretty intense when you're fighting against really good people. One of the Guilty Gear games I played for the Wii was awesome. Probably my only favorite game from that system aside from SSB.
  10. corkie

    Wii Games

    Return it and get something But for the sake of the thread, Super Smash Bros Brawl.
  11. corkie


    Haha yea man. It was insane. Wpvp is why I came back. Was def alot of fun!
  12. corkie


    One does not kiss and tell. Wait what...
  13. corkie


    We must have another go > Next time with less people though. Still, was an amazing time last night in IF.
  14. Omg sweeeeeeeeeeet.
  15. I hereby dub thee, Mephilicious.
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