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Everything posted by Fiordelisa

  1. It looks like sexytime in the back corner... Puzio you are way too cute in that picture, you look like you should be posted on a cereal box or something =P
  2. Yeah, we looked at that one...I didn't like the back yard since I have a kid and a 12 ft trampoline but otherwise it's really nice. That neighborhood is freaking awesome too, really nice swim and tennis with a fitness center. The pink color really isn't that bad either, and directions are easy...just go to the pink house on the corner.
  3. /love you saucey!
  4. It was definitely awesome, too bad half the people chickened out...we even changed the night so Ecth could come! /fail (I loves you Christhelion <3) Next time you'll have to come and we'll drag more people with!
  5. /safe
  6. Stang!!! you're giving my ideas away! Should I just bring over my sparkly pink markers and we can make signs together? =)
  7. YES! As far as strip clubs I'm kinda with the Swinging Richards crowd...but I'd gladly hit the pony or cheetahs. I kinda have to agree that clermont should burn, but it's also one of those things to say you've lived to tell about. Just don't go unless you drink PBR and like to hang smashed cans on your wall. And please god if you guys go there, do not get your head smashed...it's not a smart idea no matter how drunk you are.
  8. So true... Luckily I don't need a laptop, but I am thinking of grabbing one of the cheapo black friday TVs. We shall see =P I like sales, a lot...it's unfortunate that they're starting so freaking early in the morning though. I'm gonna have to be at like Kohl's at 4am, Wal-Mart at 5am, and then Toys R us at 6am...and god forbid I add any other stops to my list. =)
  9. OMG HAPPY BIRTHDAY CHRIS!!! I LOVES YOU! extra fun VIP bday party when you get to the ATL!!!!
  10. laptops starting at only $349 mmmm... I think I'll be braving the crowds in the darkness of morning /scared
  11. I need to add my warrior to mine...then I'll have to add my priest soon! >=)
  12. Fiordelisa

    WotLK CE

    Just a pet?? It has a collector's edition soundtrack, trading card starter packs, 'The Art of WOTLK' table top book, behind-the-scenes DVD, annnnndddd a Northrend Mouse pad. Yeah, I'll never be lost if I have a map of Northrend at my fingertips!!!! =) /squidflex
  13. Fiordelisa

    WotLK CE

    It may pick up a bit after the market flood, but that would require holding onto it and not using it. I don't think I have that much self control.
  14. Fiordelisa

    WotLK CE

    hahaha...I like that idea! Or I could buy myself a gift tooooo! I like presents >.>
  15. Fiordelisa

    WotLK CE

    We always do WoW presents for holidays too...so that would be kinda fun. I figured I'd probably be buying him a new flying mount or skill though. He did put t7, t8 & t9 on his Christmas list though. We're geeks =P I don't really wanna give it up though =) Also, if I keep the CE than what do I do with my extra regular copy?
  16. Fiordelisa

    WotLK CE

    So...I ordered WotLK CE on Fry's.com. They sent me an email a week or 2 after I placed my order to say that they couldn't fill my order and that they would be cancelling my order if they didn't hear back from me. So I figured I'd save the money and get the regular version. Justin (Dragon) picked up 2 copies of WotLK at Gamestop last night. This morning, I got an email saying that my WotLK CE has now shipped and is out for delivery via DHL. So, I now have an extra copy and it's a CE that I wasn't expecting to get. The CE was expensive ($16 just for shipping =/) so I could make my money back by selling it. I want it because I'm an elitist but I'm bad about actually using pets, Justin wants it for the pet...he kinda collects them (especially the Dragon pets).
  17. I'm totally still /famous.
  18. I think they should remove the word "marriage" from government. If the government was to replace the word 'marriage' with 'civil union' then I think a lot of people's opinions would change. Give all the same tax breaks and property rights to anyone who enters into a civil union, and let the church decide whether or not you are "married". I'm not gay, so I don't know how you guys feel about the word marriage...but I like the idea of separating the religious terms from the laws.
  19. I think I have a few things to be sorry for... I ain't gonna list them though, because I bet most of you didn't notice some of them! For the record though, I am not sorry for the initiation of body shots! Even though I looked like I had been swimming in sugar after GG's shots >.> If anyone else will be at the airport around Geo's landing time I'll be happy to load up my car =P
  20. It was always chicks before dicks as far as I remember...we don't typically like to call ourselves hoes. However true as that may be.
  21. Fiordelisa

    Who Voted?!

    Free goodies???? for serious?? Nobody told me =( I want donuts...
  22. Fiordelisa

    Who Voted?!

    I have to go after work today, I probably won't even get there until 6 or even 6:30...I'm expecting that to be very painful. =(
  23. Oh man, this is gonna be fun! /excited!!! I'll try to get all my misbehaving out of the way before the party. >=)
  24. Omg! bring me one too...I prolly need it more than you do! (cigar included)
  25. Really?? I wasn't even worried about that one! Is it scratch and sniff???
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