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About Shugenja

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  • Interests
    Arts, Having fun with friends in rl and internet.
  1. Ayah Exist! Like we would say: Tabarnak, criss de marde stafaire la qui té arrivé ak ton char! -Shu ^^
  2. Ya. Alliance finally gave the linen bandages and opened the gates. they didnbt tell the horde however. its really funny.. all those crystals and huge guys everywhere.. Onyxia is a server with more horde than allaince. but allaince guilds are made of power players.. Immortals being the most Power playing guild. They were doing Naxx like... 3 weeks ago lol.. and AQ wasnt even opened at that time. -Shu
  3. http://www.bbc.co.uk/doctorwho/classic/gallery/mobile/288/cyberman.jpg Cyberman is ultimate! (maybe not..) -Shu
  4. That is badass! O_o -Shu
  5. Your Type is ESFP Extroverted Sensing Feeling Perceiving Strength of the preferences % 22 25 50 22 ESFP type description by D.Keirsey ESFP type description by J. Butt Qualitative analysis of your type formula You are: slightly expressed extrovert moderately expressed sensing personality moderately expressed feeling personality slightly expressed perceiving personality ------------------------- -Shu
  6. the StarCraft Ghost project is closed for now. the compagny they had asked to make the game took too long. and now... the game is out of date compared to other FPSs. -Shu
  7. So, like the title says: when is BC going to be out? -Shu
  9. Shugenja


    Grats on 60. I cant wait to also get to this magic level! -Shu
  10. You heard wrong. I hear in Vinings busses have no doors at all. They get out throught the windows. -Shu
  11. Ofcourse. for you just hearing the word "WoW" means boredom. -Shu
  12. Shugenja

    About UCA

    =O -Shu
  13. Shugenja

    About UCA

    Klaudia, theres a story behind that. A story you arnt aware of. ---- Vlam, I restarted playing WoW. Im an undead rogue (Shuh) on Onyxia server. -Shu
  14. Shugenja

    About UCA

    OMG VLaming!! O_O Where have you been? -Shu
  15. Shugenja

    About UCA

    Good idea. Id like to be able to help but... i dont have a wc3 cd... still! gogogo oh and btw. reroll horde on Onyxia Esteb.. -Shu
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