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About Phyber

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  1. Yeah but it takes me 45m to get home and 1.5hrs in queue so if I set it up right before I leave I shouldnt have to wait long. That and I can log in at work now and do some farming or something =)
  2. How funny you posted this today. I was going to try this with a friends GoToMyPC account to see if it would work. But I like free. A lot.
  3. Phyber

    Aion forum

    Oops... She can't be that far ahead of you haha. Unless she is then I need a leveling partner and you can just not play till she catches up =)
  4. Phyber

    Aion forum

    Tell her to play more then =P And the servers better be running tonite, I havent been able to play since monday =(
  5. I probably wouldn't invite me to a guild either =( Oh... And get a flippin haircut. Dunno if I mentioned that before.
  6. halfstaff & erlin = win and half dont make me /gquit and app up FP to usurp your title as sexiest tattoo'd male bc I would clearly win. ferserious.
  7. Halfstaff your sig is perfection.
  8. If I remember right, the canadian thanksgiving is along the same lines as ours in a sense but it has nothing to do with pilgrims and what not. It is actually a celebration of the bounty that the harvest brings in (which is half of what we celebrate). Which also explains why it is earlier than ours because the harvest seasons are different. Then again I'm american and may be totally off...
  9. While I never post on these boards I am just bored enough to post in a topic of people who have no idea who I am! Well except like 3 people... Phyber (main) -> After the hacker Phiber Optik. Phiber was already taken /sadface Shogi (rogue pvp alt) -> japanese chess type game that is ftmfw. I suck at it though so dont ask me to play. Shogii (29 warrior twink) -> yes I am that unoriginal Raler (almost 39 hunter twink) -> played Everquest for about 6 years as a ranger named Ralerwen Darclyte. Thought hunters would be like rangers when I first picked up WoW, got sadly disappointed and rolled Phyber. Recently picked him back up about a year later so I didn't have to level so far to get into the 39 twink bracket. I wont mention the fact that I level him about once a month because I can't get over the fact that hunters are nothing like rangers. Or the fact that the longest part of this post is about a crappy twink I never play.
  10. Crepuscular Rays ~phyber
  11. Phyber


    Hi! Technically that macro i gave you in game should work but then again the 20 versions i tried of that macro that should have worked actually didnt haha =) but here is the one that i use and it definitely works: whats what i posted on vindi boards im to lazy to type it all out. Take it easy! ~Phyber *edit* I dont know why the 2nd cast command wont return and stay on teh second line but ive edited it like 4 times. totally not my fault...
  12. http://www.star-line.co.jp/a2/slimfast.jpg
  13. Phyber


    lol i actually read these boards almost daily...just never bothered to post until today =p
  14. Phyber


    I see you poking around the CG boards now and then thought I would stop by and say hi =) And also wanted to thank you and Stryc and the other FP for the tips in BWL and the use of your empty instance haha Helped a lot! Chrom ate us for dinner last week but what can ya do. We'll get that bastard eventually. See ya'll around
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