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About Darch

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  • Birthday 06/10/1989

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  1. :DDDDD thanks everyone! =) Can't wait to hit the bars up woo woo. And I got my drivers license today =O lol.
  2. I had the same problem this morning aswell
  3. Haha that's awesome
  4. Darch

    Global Warming

    A bit selfish but I agree with one thing. That is that we will be long gone when it does happen. Even though we are like quadrupling the damage we've been doing to the planet each year pretty much, it's not going to end in the next 4 years. Now that's not to say we should attempt to change the way we do live in hopes of slowing down, and/or haulting the damage we are doing. Not everyone is going to care about how we treat the plant for this reason, but we should still think about it. The way I look at it is we should take care of the earth, not only for future generations but what if reincarnation is a factor. What if when you die you're born as something new. No one knows for sure if this is true, but what if it is. You're really only hurting yourself in that case. I don't know where I'm going with this but yeah! And I'm pretty sure I contridicted myself?
  5. Darch

    Global Warming

    drop it like it's hot, drop it like it's hot. lol.
  6. I like a lot of the new warrior talents, though if given now they'd be maaaaaaad op. Like the one that increases the stun duration on charge and intercept? yeah 15 cd (with pvp set) and a 5sec stun. Hello chain intercept stun locks. Though the leap thing is kick ass. WoW is becoming Diablo 2 more and more however =(. Not that I'm complaining xD
  7. They're really only ment for tanking bosses that pump out a lot of spell damage, especially since they have that anit-magic sheild in the unholy tree. Aside from that I don't really think you'll see many DK MT's in the future. But regardless the way they work is just too awesome and the stuff they can do make it even more cool. I can't wait =) I already Like the talent trees, there's a few talents that give you AP from armor and there's talents that increase your armor, I can't wait to figure out specs with this character =). Then again I love doing that with all classes lol.
  8. I'm so rerolling Deathknight if I'm still playing then. (Which I sadly most likely will.) Lol. This class is just full of so much fun.
  9. It's funny how the majority of the people with bear mounts are from DE lawl
  10. A party just wouldn't be the same wit out joo! I R have no mobility so.. =( But do take many many pictures!
  11. This stuff is getting old... fast.
  12. buy stuff, then queue for wsg and continue grinding rep.
  13. you know tim, if you just didn't tell anyone no one would know And meh, she'd nothing compaired to some of the girls I've seen tim post I'm not a big boob fan =(
  14. that makes me want to find my DS now =( actually no, because I don't see this being left-handed compatable. DAMN RIGHTHANDED PEOPLE!
  15. Darch


    even with narfs gear I wouldn't pay him a copper. He's incredibly annoying.
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