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About Drakelees

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  1. i see, i have it on mon / wens as well but at 2pm but i'm with Niblett, I actually have her this quarter for drawing II she's cool so i'm gonna take her again, she's easy grader and almost too enthusiastic about drawing but at least it will get me through it. next question you still bunked up in the dorms being a transfer? I'm in boundry village atm dorm life is kinda lame so hopefully i'll be getting outta here this summer.
  2. very cool, i just transfered here this quarter I'm in visual effects, how convient that half of the students in montgomery are wow players lol.... but yea i should be a senior I dropped otu of school my last semester as a graphic design major then came down here after 4 1/2 years of college and back to sophomore status lol so its not too bad, at least the weather is good down here. what clases are you taking next quarter? I have life drawing, programming for vis effects, and cinematography for vis effects.
  3. stang said you go to scad! so do Grimm and I. respond on this thread with major and shit. btw hello to everyone at FP. /wave
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