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About Tabriel

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  1. The two guilds Vindictive and Forgotten Prophets have for some time now had a very good relationship, and I, bwing one of the relatively new members of Vindictive, do not want to change this. Recently, our two guilds decided to run MC together every friday (a move which i was strongly in favor of). Last night, only the second week of these joint runs, something hapenned that i am sure many people in both guilds heard of and are aware of. I have explained what happened many times; anyway long story short: I went afk, told my friend he could tank a sulfuron ad while i was smoking, and of course the DI ring dropped. Beacause Tabriel had already used his RTU, Enigami won the roll, and my friend who was playing Tabriel decided to message Enigami a series of extremely harsh and hateful things. I take full responsibility for everything that was said (I did scroll up and read), the accaount, and character name Tabriel are in my name. However, I would like say, in an effort not to strain the good relationship between Vindi and FP that those words were not my words, and I am truely sorry for anything that was said or anyone that I offended. Shortly after the occurence Surter told me that Enigami would never raid MC with Vindi again, and after you read this, Eni, I hope you change your mind . Thanks for reading, and I hope to see you all next week. -Gabe (Tabriel)
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