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Illustration(obviously), Classic Oil Painting and Drawing!
Yay, that's when I'm moving back to school so I shant miss a thing
I can't get passed level 2. Dammit I'm fed up with this
Couldn't find the edit button Warning, coarse language-- oh and the opening scene is my friend driving around my town. The town's mainstreet is hardcoreily kept like and "olde" downtown core by our mayor and councilmen-- so its interesting to watch. Oh, and the movie kicks arse!
Here's the final version, edited and all that. I'm the serial killer, Grif's the renegade cop. The others are friends who frown upon my WoW habits
I ain't burning down the bridge! Don't be afraid. As some of you may or may not know, some good friends of mine have gone to Forsaken Mercanaries. Now I'm not fooling anyone-- my gear sucks, and my healing skills need some huge buffings. I'll miss you guys a lot but y'all in Naxx and AQ40 and I've only done UBRS 3x on this character (liker 50million on my old lock) so its been fun I love you all still. Let's be serious here I don't belong here, I'm below you guys in content, skills, and gear. This is not to be taken as an angry "Grrr I gquit je suis une loot whore!". Or whatever. In FM I can help the guild progress, you know? I'm at their level, your guys' A Team doesn't need me, you've got a lot of great droods still-- Branham seems like a pleasent new recruit, turned disciple. I would've loved to take that spot once school began and my raiding schedule could be constant, but he's clearly a better choice. Shout outs: Fetchism! Lova ya dude, keep rocking the AFI. This is not the end of us talking I hope, keep being a farmwhore, and I remember our late night talks on vent keenly. (sans sexual connotations ) Tutubi and Bramas! Keep on rocking guys My first time to 60 I had a blast leveling with y'all, and it was fun talking to you in /gchat for another few months, but its time for me to move on to where I'm needed. Benny! Always hearing that sick bass whenever you talk on vent was always so hilarious-- I'll keep a Nature's Swiftness saved for when I pvp with you, or do some scholo again Stang! Oh man, you are the best hehe. Thanks for that night showing us noobs through BWL, that was one of my fondest memories of my time here. Keep in touch, I'll be in FP vent occasionally and we can talk spying on the hordes! If I find that undead warlock of yours, I'll be sure to send some love Hykos-- thank you for letting me tag along on those bosses in AQ40. I had a great time, and its good to see there's content after monotonous MC. Without you speaking up for me I'm sure I would've never had the experience. Lyboro/Paddy! Thanks for the help with those quests while I was leveling up. You were always fun to talk to, keep in touch bud Mardai: Hehe, we should go back to Un'Goro and have a second tour ganking all teh hordiez!!! Make sure you keep those Garr ads banished, and I hear there's some sort of warlock tanking strategy for the Emps, so goodluck to ya Klaudius: I remember the second time I talked to you ended up with you ignoring me, lol. Good to see I'm tolerable to you now with my obscure references and gibberish. Gynis: I hope to still see you in AV, save heals for each k? This is not the end, guys-- I enjoyed my time here greatly, but now I need to go help some friends pwn big baddies for the first time I'll still keep in touch with you guys, don't be afraid to talk to me, whisper me, bug me-- whatever. The first thing I said to felz when he interviewed me was "don't worry about me, I ain't not dramallama. So many emoticons... I'd best be going now.
The movie was crazy as hell! My friends and I all got up and gave a standing ovation when Samuel L Jackson gives his signature line It was seriously good though, any doubts should be washed away I'm buying the dvd the day it comes out. Snakes don't normally attackl people unless provoked, and i don't want to ruin the plot BUT they explain why these particular snakes do.
I'm going tomorrow, maybe I'll go lighter on the whiskey if its as good as you say. Been waiting on this for 8 months now. I was dissappointed in the early summer to hear the movie was being setback due to reshoots...reshoots of awesomeness. "Snakes on a MotherForgotten plane!"
Awesome guys! Looks like it was a really fun time. Lots of people in Atlanta or within travelling distance I assume
All of these changes have me quite excited. I think the most controversial, and as I've read General Discussion on the offical WoW boards it is, is the 25man raid dungeons. What we have to remember is that BC is going to totally reset the game, there's a new level cap. The only thing is uber raiders who aren't healers (lol suckers, me included ) will have an easier time grinding to 70. It'll be about a week solid of /played time to ding 70. I think this week of /played time is going to separate guilds in a way. ( A good way.) Not everyone will be able to make it to 70 so quickly, so the 25man dungeon thing won't be that big of an issue. Everyone will level and gear at their own pace. I think where some of the smaller raid guilds based around 50 players, will have issues with the 25man cap, FP will prevail. We have a larger base of players-- and with the level cap changing, we'll all have pretty decent blues from hellfire citadel. By the time we hit 70, most members should have adequate gear for conquering 25man content. Those that are the first to 70 will start on the new 25man dungeon, and those that catch up will maybe try and form a second raid group. I know we have enough players to have 1 hardcore, and 1 more casual 25man. I just thought I'd throw my 2 cents in, as I take this new dungeon cap to be a blessing, and less of a curse. Its fairly easy to get 20 people together for a zg run as it is now, 5 more people for a more casual raid group should be... a synch! EDIT: Oh, and the new pvp system and arena style play is going to make for more equal geared pvp, and fairer matchups and more casuals will be able to enjoy themselves in pvp. Many people I know (myself included) will most likely enjoy the pvp content more than the raid content-- its just up to Blizzard to ensure pvp gear is difficult to obtain, but possible. Like I said, this is just my 2 cents worth of optimism and some ideas I've been throwing around in my head. It speaks a lot that the only hot topic from this interview was the new raid cap, and not about how the new pvp system could be totally awesome. It speaks a lot about how the game has developed over the last 2 years. The game was supposed to be very pvp oriented in the first place... Maybe those 15members who normally showed up for the raid were there to get better gear to pvp with? Huh? Maybe now they'll just go pvp instead.
Ohoho, good fun for all. I didn't get there until midnight and they started at like 7! Played catch-up to make sure I was more drunk than all of them though, ahaha. Now I remember why my neck was sore for 3 days after-- forgot I was headbanging so hardcore to "Sinister Rouge" by Bad Religion. Yeah, Jasen has great music selection and he's quite the filmaker too Glad you liked the film I'll pass it on
Last summer I worked in a bakery. Every morning at 4am I had to drag my arse outta bed and go to work, whether I'd had a lot of sleep or not. Most often-- not. Jasen, the producer and I would always joke around about the muffin supply at work. Everyone was obsessed with the muffins. Bloody muffins! My boss, all my coworkers, the customers-- managers from other departments! "I think we need more choc chip muffins out there." me- "dammit" To make the muffins you scooped them-- one at a time into these giant tins then threw them in the oven. They took like 30min to bake, and always messed up my morning baking routine. So one morning I said, "Dammit, I'm gonna kill the next person who gives me crap about those muffins." Jasen looks at me and says something about knives and chloroform (chloroform the universal inside joke with me) And I look at the muffin with Lemon Cranberry muffin mix in it and an idea pops into my head. "NO! I'm gonna beat them to death with this muffin scoop!" My brother and Jasen were trying to film a movie that summer. I looked at some of their footage and saw a bunch of random scenes. Oh the scenes were funny, but they needed some cohesion! So for a week I continued working. (scooping muffins all day long) Jasen and I would collaborate during my work shift and we formed a new idea for their movie..."The Scoop". A serial killer who used a scoop to kill people. Haha simple concept eh? Both The Scoop 0.5 and 1.0 were filmed in one day, and they were plenty of fun to do too. Grif and I will post the finished video when its edited and uploaded. Its a very intense action thriller which I like to pitch to people as "Maid in Manhatten meets Godzilla, meets Hostel".
It was c'thun, he was telling all of us that our friends would abandon us and other intimidating stuff. Something involving great pain and suffering...blah-- those are big words coming from an overgrown kraken-- i know his weakness, boat cannons!
I'm not a moonkin anymore, don't kick me for the shaman filth! But seriously, now I know which class I'm rolling come xpac time. "Moops" the dranei shaman ftw. I already have the awesome name saved people, be jealous of its awesomenimity-- envious even!
Ohoho, what a fun WSG it was. It was like a trainwreck, so horrible yet we couldn't look away. We had to keep playing We found neverever and beat him down in the end The 7man defense was absolutely awesome!