Nice, lots of responses here. Beorn, I would like to kill you 1 on 1 if that would be fight you. Yes, yes, I know, without your personal healers it may be tough for you, but lets just try it one tme, or best 2 out of 3. And yes please use w/e gear you would like. If you want to use a [skinning Knife] that's ok too. Don't take it easy on me, because its gonne be the best 3 secs of your life, er worst. Stang, I'm not even gonna deal with a priest, you guys are boring, HEAL FTMFL!! Stang, you should either get on my TEAMSPEAK server for a bit, so we can figure out some good raid schedules, or PM me your Vent info. Yes, yes, in drastic measures I do use Vent. As we all know, TS > Vent. But it will suffice. and once TS3 comes out in the next couple months, yall will be switchin anyways. (Seriously, mark my words) Love the responses and hope to kil you all out there..err see. damn I can't get anything right today!! LMFAO -Zy