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About Nasferatu

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  1. woot happy bday!
  2. Nasferatu


    awesome man
  3. so i recently downloaded the newest version of nurfed from forums.nurfed.com they then released an alleged up to date patch 1.11 version on nurfedui.net i think....however im still having a few probs with it (minor tolerable glitches) my only major complaint is that it works nearly perfect on my warrior and everyone else, BUT my mage. for some reason my mage can not move the target frame around and gets a nil value when i right click it. anyone else have this problem?
  4. Nasferatu


    so does anyone have a working ui since 1.11 it seems all the ones i want dont work, cosmos works, but cosmos can bite me! so i wonder does anyone have one that works that has: new action bars (not standard wow ones) action bars that put numbered cooldown of spell/ability right on the button please help!
  5. youre not human youre dwarf??? like vanin said....theres tons of work to be had!
  6. grats man, thats awesome!!
  7. so how the hell do you kill it?
  8. wonderful, wonderful....i just like that you can see drunknduncan's love of staving in the video....the flamegaurd wipe...there he is front and center staving his little warlock heart out in vain
  9. i was in 7th grade... that takes me back
  10. Nasferatu

    Ninja Looter

  11. yay prom! i feel young again
  12. Nasferatu

    Go America!

    from the song from the movie team america....c'mon people somebody had to have gotten the joke
  13. Nasferatu

    Go America!

  14. zomg ive been waintg so long to hear that rod! /missed you
  15. or count chocula
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