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Everything posted by dragonlgnd

  1. Do you normally beat paladins? If not, can you tell me how they beat you, I just can't figure out how to take a mage.
  2. Do you really THINK i can't set up a macro?=)
  3. dragonlgnd

    A New Name.

    I realised , that as time goes by , we are getting more and more members. This is a good thing. BUT.... I dont really feel like remembering everyones names... be them new or old people... so uhmm... you're all gettingjust one name. I admit, this might make things a little difficult when I just say the name, but I expect you all to work it out, and make things easier for ME ...(because really... its all about ME, isnt it?...and loot)
  4. Actually we found ourselves another little man to go with us, so he gets to distract the Big women. Me.... Im all about the honies.... .... ..... .... Some how... that just sounds wrong coming from me.... Gynis help me...Save me ...
  5. Now if we could only get Gynis's tainted hands off of it=) Once again Gynis, you'll be missed in California.
  6. dragonlgnd

    orcs ftw?

    I've heard undead are pretty good. Vanin care to enlighten us about eating the undead women? =) ok, ok, I know I know... thats nasty.
  7. It's lookin great so far SHoop!
  8. I've seen that Siege, but thanks for posting it on here, now the other paladins can see the update. I saw the other guys post (the one I linked) and thought if those who liked it signed it, it would show more involvment in the paladin community.
  9. Good you're back...now Vanin will stop bitching about being MT, haha.
  10. dragonlgnd

    orcs ftw?

    Get a mage to fireball one, and you get nice crispy [Orc chops].
  11. dragonlgnd

    orcs ftw?

    4 orcs... feed a family of 4....? Does that mena I should have stopped eating after my 3rd orc?
  12. Perhaps it would be best not to have the history of the preFP guilds. We are Forgotten Prophets. We have united, we are united . Im certainly not saying the preFP guilds dont matter, but they arent nearly as important as the future or FP, and the growth (and loot) we can attain. To the future of Forgotten Prophets! FP FTW!Hehe.
  13. Perhaps Im missing something, or perhaps you missed something Kopi, but the forum linked is mostly about paladins , druids, shamans, and yet half of your post is about mages. Im also not even sure what it is you are trying to get across with you post. Are you complaining polymorph isnt good enough? or that maybe mages have to rely on it too much? Or was the post about when they nerf shamans you're going to go and own them all in thunderbluff? Like I said perhaps I missed something, clarify for me if I did.
  14. So I guess no one else but me and Heliacon thought this to be a good idea.
  15. Any you have not read these should do so now!, hehe.
  16. Well I believe paladins bitch about the bugs enough, with obcene idea's and crazy suggestions. So instead of copmplaining about Blizz doing nothing, I'd like to help something have the chance to get noticed by them. I like the idea, I think its a good one, are there other things to be worked on? yea. As of right now though, I'd like them to take a look at this. If you guys like the idea, please sign it, so what if it never gets implemented, at least you used 2 seconds of your life pushing a little towards an idea you liked.
  17. With Gynis working on it we'll have it done about the same time Blizzard finishes working on paladins.... Gynis, you should have just said, "It's working as intended"
  18. ...... are you hiting on me? /looks behind himself Keep your hands out of the pinching position!
  19. dragonlgnd


    WHAT!!!... On-line gaming is... not ... good? WHY DIDNT SOMEBODY WARN ME OF THIS BEFORE I STARTED....damn... damn.... DAMN YOU VANIN FOR GETTING ME INTO WoW. Ok, ...time for comfort food....hehe.
  20. I found this intresting, and I thought you guys would too, if you agree than please don't let this die. I never realised there was any other class that didnt get too use that ranged slot. Ireally like this idea, and granted I hate shamans, but they should still get some use out of that slot. http://forums.worldofwarcraft.com/thread.a...ns&T=206956&P=1
  21. dragonlgnd


    Its sad that my initial thought was that country girl looked pretty good. Than I thought about it... I cant see her eyes... I can barely see her face... and... well... she's very country... but she's showing skin.. and has knockers.... sad.
  22. Ah, having a not so great day, I read a couple of these, and things become all better, hehe.
  23. further attempts? so people have already tried?
  24. "Ok, all little boys are somewhat fascinated with their equpiment at some point. It is a wonderful piece of machinery, I have to say. I remember being that age myself, and just the thrill of discovery, the excitement..."Whoa, what's going on here?! ...Wait a tic, you mean I can do this...by myself?! Anytime I want?! Holy shit, it's GAME ON!" " Ok, thats on of the best lines in all of this, haha.
  25. This is sooooo great. Classics , abosolute classics.
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