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Everything posted by dragonlgnd

  1. dragonlgnd


    OMG Im typing this on my Wii!!
  2. dragonlgnd


    0184-6969-2846-0431 Thats mine and Fior's!, use it wisely.
  3. Premise- 200+ micro games, you have 5 seconds to figure out what to do, and to do it. They will tell you how to hold the controller, and give you a key would like "wash" and you have to figure out what the hell crazy thing you need to do . Graphics- They range from crap, to not bad, though the point of this game is not the graphics in any way shap or form. Controls- Very simple, they tell you exactly how to hold the controller... they just never tell you what to do with it exactly. Gameplay- Loads of fun, some of the games are so goofy that evening after doing them/seeing other people play them you cant help but laugh. Its a crazy fun game that has you doing all sorts of stuff. There are 20 different ways you have to hold the Form Baton (Wii remote) for the games, granted you could hold it the same way for alot fo them, but thats not nearly as fun. Final say - My biggest complaint is that the multiplayer doesnt have everyone playing at the same time, you pass the controller. Though this doesnt stop it from being alot of fun. The Dart game is very good reprensatation. This will probably be the best drinking game ever in my opinoin. Iam looking forward to playing this drunk so badly, haha. I would have paid $70 for this game if it came out at that price. I'd easily give it a 9/10.
  4. wow these are great... I love comign back this these for a quick laugh=)
  5. dragonlgnd

    Hello, FP

    and than there's always triangle... no matter what, it always rears its ugly head.
  6. Now that was awesome.
  7. Thanks for the reveiw Underground. I've read some good thigns about this game. I dont have a PS3 so its good to get another consoles games reviewed.
  8. I still perfer the turn based combat, but this is alot better than the demo was.
  9. Ill do an actually reveiw of this game shortly, but as for now... Wow.. Iam fully and totally impressed by it. The combat, the story telling, the graphics, even the characters have me captivated.
  10. Bentley go back to frost spec! Only Ony, AQ, and Naxx left. We've fought hard and long to get where we are , lets look back and open a can on everything we are leaving behind.
  11. I remember the first MC run, Gynis wasnt even 60 yet...hehe
  12. Thats the Link to the past one Gynis, hehe. I fully agree, the sheer ease of it , the controls, the graphics, the dungeons were all incredible (for a game, hehe). P.S. - By ease I dont mean how easy it was, instead how easy it was to pick up and play for 5 minutes and put it down. You could play at the begining and get a good feel for the game, you didnt have to go through 2 hours of begining story just to find a sword to swing. Not that the new Zelda is quite that bad, hehe.
  13. I've got the game but haventr tried it yet. Before it came out I was really worried about it being bad, but havent heard a bad thing about it so far.
  14. I've played every Zelda (except Majora's Mask) and have loved each one. So I was definately on the edge of my seat for this one. Graphics- The game looks beautiful, from the flowing water, to the details in the enemies. I have yet to see the GameCube version so I can compare really, but Vanin says the Wii version looks better. Though since it came out on both systems I cant help but feel they probably didnt push the Wii very hard on graphics, so it could look better. Controls- I feel the Wii controller is perfect for the game. The loss of the shoulder buttons doesnt subtract anything from the game, and the ability to swing the controller for attacks adds a whole new demension to it. There were so many times I found myself standing up moving my body and pretty much really swinging my controller, hehe. Story- Im not going to bother to much with this, I mean... come on , it's Zelda. Gameplay- in general Everything worked really well in the game. These were certainly some of the best dungeons in any Zelda game. And there's tons of items in the game. My only complaint is you dont go back to some of the earlier items as often as you used to, like the gale boomerang, after the dungeon you get it from, I didnt use it again for awhile. This is almost the best Zelda I've every played, Link to the Past just barely beats it. I'd give this game a 9/10. This game is most definately worth $50.
  15. With the PS3 and Wii recently out, and a slew of new games from christmas, I though it would be a god idea to get some reveiws of games we've played. I noticed a bit back that alot of FPer's play more than just WoW, so I thought this would be a huge help on deciding on what games to pick up. I'd like to get as many reveiws as possible. Try to keep away from things like " Zelda , was awesome".... Tell us what you think and so on, graphics? controls? things of such.This way questions can be answered about the games too. Now as for a rating system, I just like to stick with the simple 1--------10, 1 being absolutley terrible, 10 being godly. What I also like to tell people when I'm giving them my opinoin on a game, is if I'd pay $50 for it again (or however much I paid) and how much I think its worth, like if I wouldnt buy it for $50.... than would I buy it for $30?. When you post a topic about a game in the subject put the game and what system its for. If there's a better area to put this in, than just move this to there, I wasnt sure where to put it really, hehe.
  16. hahahahah...OMG
  17. I dont know, for some reason anytime I see Dreanai in armor, ti all looks generally the same...
  18. dragonlgnd


    I still gotta connect mine to the net, than Ill put it up=)
  19. That was very well done, haha.
  20. WHY does my Mii have bewbs?
  21. Wii sports is a blast, and Zelda...OMG.....
  22. Hoe train anyone?
  23. I dont know which I find funnier.... the energy drink, or the fact that that guys holding a Pimp goblet too...hahahahah
  24. I bought him the cup for his christmas gift=P He whispered me last night and said " I filled it with gin +juice, Snoop would be proud" Hahahaha.
  25. Honki's true colors. http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v161/xanas11/t4.jpg http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v161/xanas11/t3.jpg http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v161/xanas11/t2.jpg http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v161/xanas11/t1.jpg http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v161/xanas11/untitled.jpg
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