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Everything posted by dragonlgnd

  1. Im not sure what Im more affraid of... the fact that this game is being made. The fact that this game will some how do well. Or... the fact that when it does well... there will be a sequel.
  2. Happy Birthday!!!
  3. dragonlgnd

    lol bag

    Is that for guildbanks or something?
  4. http://www.blizzard.com/wow/screenshot.asp...=176&Set=64 I always laugh when I see this one, so Ill throw it in too. http://www.blizzard.com/wow/screenshot.asp...x=49&Set=64
  5. I've had that happen before... it's... really annoying.
  6. Congrats again everyone!=)
  7. Jon... there's an extra BoP for you tonight for that...
  8. Really now, if you were humping Stang, Im sure even RH would have heard it where he is.
  9. The thing I think I find most funny about that Ecth, is the fact that I've done that so many times. I remember starting combat, going and grabbign the mail , maybe doing some push-ups or some rotation of me workout.
  10. Yea, I remember thinking DI was really bad... For a long time I used Seal of crusader as my main seal ( before and after it was nerfed) thinking that the faster my weapon the more damage in general ( even if the damage gets reduced overtime) , since SoR and SoCo were procs and werent garanteed damage.
  11. I didnt see Hammer of justice being "very effective" so I didnt learn it origanally, than after talking to Hin, I decided to give it a shot. At lvl 13 I blew all my money on white armor from a vendor.. since most of it had alot more armor =P My first spec at lvl 60 was pretty much 17 points in each tree=P I didnt have any 31 point talents until the pally review which put Holy Shield as the 31 point prot talent. I used to always keep a seal on me, only judged during certain occasions... I never thought to judge SoR as often as I could to get more damage>.> Ny chest piece from lvl 51ish - 60 was upgrades of "of the bear" gear, I remember every lvl I hit I'd rush off to the AH to see if there was a better "Of the bear" piece.
  12. Than it would look like they were shooting you... no go with the power glove I think, or the little missle guys from Mario.
  13. OMG it's pretty much true to O.O This stuff DOES exist!
  14. When I first started that.. I was laughing about it <------ I love bubble wrap. Aparently I got to cackleling ... becasue Laura said " I think your IQ just dropped a few points" ......
  15. dragonlgnd


  16. I love the voice that says " Must have moore" when you click Fresh Sheet.
  17. Again!
  18. Congrats on the kill guys!!
  19. Maybe hop on another server for a little bit. But hair cut, some studying, job searching and so on. A date sounds like a good idea, maybe Laura and I will do that=)
  20. Eni... that was awesome... Tom... that was disturbing in so many ways..
  21. Hello!=)
  22. fur
  23. that was astoundingly good.
  24. To some degree I think it has Bob... But holy cow on the wall of text, Im able to read lots of type... but they need to be seperated...say... in paragraph form.
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