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Everything posted by dragonlgnd

  1. Good bye Skee!! Have a good time with Real Life!!!
  2. I KNOW there's more then 4 people with Wii's!
  3. Ill have to tell Laura to check her e-mail accounts!! Ill be so excited if I get in!!... er ...uhmmmm... I mean... she'll be... if she get...s... in?
  4. Looking at Gamestop.com I think I remember it saying november, though that could be wrong and or changed now.
  5. I just mention calling it out, because sometimes people don't see it / aren't paying total attention ( afk auto shot?) so I figure it won't hurt to call it out too. Once people get used to it, they should be able to notice it on their own.
  6. dragonlgnd

    Wii codes.

    I know we have 2 different posts of Wii numbers, well since each game takes a different # I though we could make 1 post, get it stickied and have all codes in 1 spot, just edit your post to add a new game code when you get it. Could we get this post stickied? Mostly so we don't have to go looking for the codes every new game and or make new posts for every game. Dragonlgnd / Justin Wii code - 0184-6969-2846-0431 Smash Brothers Brawl - 2707-1666-9950 Mario Kart - 1118-0890-8199 I'm not going to go back and get everyone else's codes, so post up here, let's get a sticky and lets beat Suceo's at every game he owns!
  7. Paladins Flash of Light and Holy Light will now work properly with castsequence macros. Seal of the Crusader: This ability now increases the damage dealt by Crusader Strike by 40%. Crusader Strike (Retribution) will now properly receive a damage increase from Seal of The Crusader. Talent: Precision (Ranks 1-3) will no longer improperly display daggers and staves as a weapon class in the tooltip. Paladins that already have Apprentice Riding skill can now properly learn Summon Warhorse from the trainer. Priests I love how they make "Seal of the Crusader: This ability now increases the damage dealt by Crusader Strike by 40%" sound like a buff for paladins. When in truth it was reducing the damage dealt by crusader strike by 40% ... so all they did was correct it.
  8. Going to have to call it out on Vent, but still doable.
  9. Congrats everyone!!=) Bout time for a new kill, though I'm looking forward to seeing Arch dead next week.
  10. Would you seriously want that many homo's in your house though?..... Happy Mothers Day !!! Laura, Lyrin, Memphis , Vixxie , Candy , and all the others!!!
  11. I've had thoughts paths end that way... usually with me screaming "DEAR GOD WHY!!! WHY IGOR IN PANTY HOSE!!"
  12. It's ok Coeus , no mater what you are ; rogue , warrior, paladin , mage , deathknight , you will always , deep down, be Suceos to me=)
  13. Conan will have it's advantages, mostly just in the fact it's Mature rated. Cutting people apart will be cool, and only playing with adults will be nice, though it'll suck to find out that adults are also annoying little piss-ants as some teenagers. I just don't think it'll have / keep the player base to stay around. I almost want to say that the blood and gore will get old after awhile... but seriously who am I kidding, it never gets old. Wahammer is gonna promise alot and not deliver. There hasn't been a decent warhammer video game ever, and none of them have sold well. Plus GamesWorkshop is having financial problems , which I think will slow things down for the games completion, wasn't it supposed to be out already... by a few months? and they aren't even close to being done with it yet I think?
  14. Don't you mean " As the one who stabbed Uther in the back " Coeus?
  15. "was"? you mean until that tine...?? =P
  16. I remember back in the 90's, there was a new fighting game coming out, where all the characters are made up of different size balls. The game was well named ...Balls. The magazine adds tag line was " Tell your parents you want Balls for Christmas" I laughed pretty hard every time I saw it=P
  17. I WAS! ... I still have no idea what the hell was in those shots the bartender gave us, I think he called it a "Brown sugar" ? or somethign like that, I can't remember. I tasted that drink into the next day though .
  18. So this one was recent and is WoW related. I respecced from Holy back to Prot , and was setting up my buttons again, but couldn't find my kings /Holy shield/ Avengers shield spells, I forgot I needed to retrain them. I click on the trainer and look for my spells... well all that's there is Seal of Command " WTF! are my spells lost or something?" so half way through writing a ticket to a GM it dawns on me that I never used my talent points, so I couldnt set up my bars for spells I didn't have ><
  19. So ... the Canadians are definately coming?
  20. dragonlgnd


    I thought I'd share a recipe I found intresting and pretty tastey. It's Chocolate French Toast, now I found this recipe on-line, and tried a small batch first and adjusted a little bit. Chocolate French Toast 2 eggs 1/2 cup chocolate-flavored milk 2 tablespoons butter or margarine 4 slices bread Sifted confectioners' sugar Canned cherry pie filling or strawberry syrup or raspberry syrup Crack the eggs into the mixing bowl. Beat with an egg beater or fork until the yolks and whites are mixed. Add the chocolate-flavored milk. Beat until well mixed. Pour the egg mixture into a pie plate. Put half of the butter into a skillet. Heat to medium-high. Dip one slice of the bread into the egg mixture. Turn the bread over to coat the other side. Put the coated bread in the skillet. Repeat with another slice of bread. Cook until the bottoms are brown. Turn the bread over. Cook until the other side is brown. Remove the bread from the skillet. Put the remaining butter into the skillet. Repeat with the remaining bread and egg mixture. Sprinkle French toast with confectioners' sugar and top with cherry pie filling or syrup After I tried 2 pieces like this, I noticed a chocolate taste, but missed the usual french toastness I crave. So I cut down the chocolate milk some ( 1/3 cup instead of 1/2) and added cinnamon and vanilla extract , which I feel helped a lot, and even enhanced the chocolate flavor some.
  21. I don't think I've heard the story either.. but I imagine it was a wrestling match between him and Gryph.
  22. I was about 6 years old, and we are about to drive to Vermont from Mass. , it's a 4 hourish drive and I'm running around the backyard getting energy out before the car ride... because Mom said too. Well I use my crazy imagination and see the picnic table we have as a slide! So I hop on it belly first grab the sides and pull myself across it. Now some details about the picnic table ; it was old.. about 5-10 years old, spent all of it's time outside, got rained on, snowed on, and other general enviromental afflictions... oh yea, it had splinters... big and sharp splinters all along it. So when we got to my Grandmothers house in Vermont, she spent the next few days while we were there, pulling large splinters out of my chest .
  23. So I was looking at these bananas we have, and they've been green for atleast 2-3 days so far, I got to wondering, maybe they aren't bananas maybe they are another type of banana that stays green, so I crack it open... and yep.. still banana . It was really really touch to open, and the actual banana was pretty much fused to the skin. This got me to remember some of the other stupid things I've done before; When I was really really young, I hid an egg in my desk at home, put it in a basket with a heating blanket around it to see what would happen, I thought maybe it would hatch... it did.. and I had a fine young hard boiled egg. just a few days ago I had to stop the car since it was over heating, I was in a rush and didn't wait for it to cool before I opened up the thing to put coolant in... and got sprayed upon, luckily it was just water but ><.... So what about everyone else?
  24. I did throw away my carrot >< I wonder if these will stack with Crusader aura, if not, I don't care about the change then.
  25. dragonlgnd

    For Igor

    But if we take this box Trev....
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