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Everything posted by dragonlgnd

  1. Look Feanore... seriously man... I'm still learning ok... and I only use that sippy-cup when I get so drunk I spill most of my rum mixtures. I'm looking forward to getting this pet really, it's pretty cool looking and shouldn't be to bad to get, Ill be hitting some BG's this weekend, so if you start one hit me up, you know a good prot pallie rounds out any premade=)
  2. I can see it... I can actually see it!
  3. SO what you're saying is... if I played F12... I could summon Shad... It was one drunken night, OK!! Just one!
  4. For WoW ...right?... not like for... "other" things?...
  5. Seriously Holy crap. http://us.blizzard.com/support/article.xml?articleId=20588 You can summon the friend ever hour to where you are , you get a new mount , and while grouped together you gain TRIPLE xp. Plus more.... stocking up for WOTLK much??
  6. dragonlgnd


    For warrior tanking I've heard fast is better, also keep in mind that with a slow weapon, if you miss get parried/dodged/blocked that you have to wait extra time for the next swing, and heroic strike is based on weapon speed itself right? it's not instant?
  7. Dont forget everything is still in beta, and while some things look amazing, it's all just a trial stage. I wonder if during these times they waaaay overshoot an ability ( making it way to good or way to bad) to see the effects and adjust it from there. There will probably be a whole new list of patch notes on a near weekly basis until the expansion comes out.
  8. Now that was pretty awesome.
  9. They do this and play with their totems all day.... why am I a paladin still??....
  10. dragonlgnd

    Can I ZA?

    The bear boss in ZA can't crush, but others can. I know this because the Eagle boss's crushing blows hit about as hard as the robot guys in Kara... which just shows how hard they hit.. or how soft the eagle boss hits. Also I found out the hard way, the trash in Mag's lair can crush, I cannot remember if the adds or weapons during the Kael fight can crush. There were a couple other spots that had some surprise crushes, but I can't remember where they are, as a warrior though you don't have any real worry, shield block ftw!
  11. There's just something about asian women....
  12. So it came in the mail from Net Flix a few days ago, but only finally got to watch it yesterday morning, and it was well worth the wait. I'm talking about Terry Pratchets Hogfather movie. It was originally done as a TV movie on the BBC, so it's a 2 parter , about 2-3 hours long. It follows the book extremely well , with maybe only 1-2 scenes taken out and a few shortened. The actors did a great job portraying their characters, though there were a couple that didn't fit their descriptions all that well, it was still a great adaptation for one of his books. ( Two examples, the Dean is usually described, or made fun of by the other wizards as being a "big" guy, or pretty much needing 2 chairs in order to sit down, and hopefully they will hold him. The other example is Nobby Nobbs, the actor had his mannerizmes down, the smile, the way he talked was all perfect, he was perfect for the part in every way, but I don't feel he was short enough or ugly enough. ) If you've read the book, watch the movie, just to see what it's like and see how they adapted it to screen. If you haven't read the book, well... it's still a damn good movie. If I was rating it , it would easily get an 8/10.
  13. I always thought it was easy to tell who was gay personally, who ever pats me on the ass and squeezes as I walk by is obviously after a piece and is gay. This is confirmed by all the times I see Shad in Shat.....
  14. That's kinda true sauce, but it looks like all tanking classes are getting more abilities to cause high threat, or are just going to be causing more threat all around. It'll be intresting to see the effects of the new Salv though. I like alot of the prot pallie changes, but hate how they made certain talents give up a portion of what they do to base line class effect, it's like the talent points in those talents don't count for as much, but cost just as much=/ Plus Im hoping for some more changes too certain near worthless talents in the prot tree.
  15. I don't know... I've kinda given up on Lucas arts itself for gaming , though I could be wrong, I didn't think they were to involved in KOTOR , and that's what made it good. It was more about quality of gameplay than how much they can rake in.
  16. That would be the sound of Bobs pants getting tight at the thought of talking to a girl.
  17. WHOA WHOA WHOA... wait a minute... now Im totally questioning the creamy filling in twinkies.....
  18. Haven't they already made that adjustment to Blessing of Light like... 3... 4 times? do they just add that into the patch notes to make pallies feel like some work is being done?
  19. dragonlgnd

    For Gar

    Since I can't post this in the members forum Ill put it here. It's a WoW comic that reminds me of Gar and some memories. http://www.worldofwarcraft.com/community/c...allery.html#215
  20. So at the time of the Alpha Calculator... there's still nothing shown for paladins ( or hunters, but I don't care about thems OP'd people) . I've heard they are doing a pretty good over haul on paladins... again. Same thing was said with BC, things were improved with BC though, so I'm hoping for something good with WOTLK. Im certainly willing to be patient if there's some goodness... but I'd still kinda like to see somethin=P Warrior stuff looks pretty nice, Shockwave sounds pretty awesome, provides you with better AoE tanking ( or actual AoE tanking).
  21. Happy birthday Steve!!
  22. Vanin originally tried that plan on me , when I got home my parents had a replacement son who did the trash/cooking/cleaning and enjoyed their stories.... When I knocked on the door they told me they weren't intrested in what I was selling =(
  23. dragonlgnd

    Summer TV

    I agree with Trev. FIGHT THE MAN! SAVE THE EMPIRE!
  25. I love the degree of paladin information we are getting.....
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