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raid health bars that go clear when people are out of range. change color when they are debuffed/need buffs you can set what happens when you click the health bars shows how much incomeing heals will heal for on all bars
want me to e-mail it to you?
http://wow.curse-gaming.com/en/files/detai...lbot-continued/ Took some time to figure out the settings but i like it alot.
I really have not noticed that being a problem. Or at least one i could fix by playing the game without a script. It seems like most of our priest do a great job focusing on the MTs and i fall into the role of a support healer. It is really just a matter of how much damage a warrior could take in the 2.5 - 1.5 seconds I’m casting on the rogue plus the 2.5 - 1.5 I am casting on them(5 sec max)? Most of the time a warrior with 75% health will live long enoff for me to cast on a rogue at 70% then heal the warrior if someone else didn't pick them up. But it is a good question i would like to know how much dps a MT takes in some of these boss fights.
Right now it is strictly the unit with the lowest health percent in range. then checks the amount of health missing and picks a rank. I’m not sure if you can see but I have one button for all the ranks of heal , one for greater heal, and one for flash heal. I watch the emergence monitor to switch what I’m using. the problem is at what point do you stop healing one unit to heal another? you have to worry about the case where two units exchange health positions so much you never get a heal off or if you stop healing one to heal the other and you don't make it in time and they both die. To make this script usable for all i have to finish looking at that forecast add-on so everyone is not casting on the same unit with the lowest percent health. The goal is not the make the script perfect but better then i can play the game. If i spent all my time making it perfect then i would never get to raid and would probable be stuck as a herald forever
Hey guys well thanks to Stricnyne for his post about the software he uses to make videos, I made my own. only problem is that trial only lets me take 30sec clips. I thought mabe everyone would like to see the life of a priest keeping track of 40 raid members and casting the right rank heals and not overhealing. Good thing i wrote a script to do most of that for me. It is still a work in progress but so far looks good. If you look at the bottom center you will see my action bar where i keep pressing the same button. In the lower right chat frame you will see when my script tells me it cancels casting so i don't overheal. then at the end of the video you will see how much i heal for just the nef fight. Keep in mind that is with being the only dwarf to fearward. Also the healing monitor may not have seen all the healing everyone else did but it gives you an idea. The purpose of this video is not to call anyone out or anything like that. It is just to show everyone a different style of playing and how much scripts can help your game. FPFTMFW!!! http://files.filefront.com/Valros2wmv/;528...;/fileinfo.html
Yea that was alot of fun we need to do it again sometime.
i had to make two changes to Nurfed_ActionBars but works great now
code windows do that on their own. i started useing those so when you copy and paste it would save the tabs and make the code more readable.
ok guys well i have had Starting an Add-on Part 1 up for sometime now it time to see who did thier homework. this is a quick script i typed up to do the following. checks to see if you are missing more then <MissingHP> checks to see if you do not currently have renew then casts Renew with the rank of <Rank> on yourself otherwise it does nothing this is the script. you need to open the FPmod.lua file with notepad and paste the following and save. function RenewMe(MissingHP, Rank) if UnitHealthMax('player') - UnitHealth('player') > MissingHP then if Get_Player_Buff_Index('Renew') == -1 then CastSpellByName('Renew(Rank '..Rank..')', true); end end end function Get_Player_Buff_Index(BuffName) local pbuff_id = 0 local pbuff_name = '' local pbuff_index, untilCancelled = GetPlayerBuff(pbuff_id, "HELPFUL") while pbuff_index >= 0 do FPmodTooltipTextLeft1:SetText(nil); FPmodTooltip:SetPlayerBuff(pbuff_index); pbuff_name = FPmodTooltipTextLeft1:GetText(); if pbuff_name == BuffName then break; end pbuff_id = pbuff_id + 1; pbuff_index, untilCancelled = GetPlayerBuff(pbuff_id, "HELPFUL"); if pbuff_id > 20 then pbuff_index = -1; break; end end return pbuff_index; end to run this script make a macro with the following /script RenewMe(<MissingHP>, <Rank>); /cast <some spell> <some spell> could be the heal you use the most so you don't have to worry about your health as much when healing tanks that are missing more health. let me know if you have any questions
Well I like to make priest mods... But I’m open to suggestions. Just remember for me to do it will take time and I can not test them well because i don't have a 60 of everyclass. That is why I posted this, so if anyone wants to give it a try they can. I’m thinking about making a heal monitor like the resurrection monitor so everyone can see who already is getting a heal cast on them.
Well I thought I would just throw this out there if any of you want to try it. It is just hard to show you guys how to do a lot of this stuff so bear with me and I’m sure I will have to edit these posts over time. Maybe in the future we can set up a place for me to upload a full add on but for now I’ll step you through it. The first thing you have to do is make a place to make your add on. Go to your Worlds of Warcraft folder ex. C:\Program Files\WorldsofWarcraft Open the interface folder Open the addons folder Make a new folder called “FPmod” In this folder make 3 text files (you can edit them with notepad for now) name them the following FPmod.lua FPmod.toc FPmod.xml Ok the lua file is the one that I use the most it has all the script. (the work horse) The toc file will not be changed very much it ever. The xml file is for making anything visual on your screen. In the FPmod.toc file paste the following and save In the FPmod.xml paste the following and save In the FPmod.lua paste the following and save Ok now start wow When you’re at the character screen click the add-on button in the lower left Find the Forgotten Prophets mod and make sure it is checked Enter the world Now make a new macro with the following /script Test(); Now drag the macro to one of your bars and press it. If you see "Forgotten Prophets Mod Works... FTW!" in your main chat window then you did it right and are ready for my future posts.
yea joesf was always the social one. lets try some smaller bait? who wants scripts that can do things like the following? 1. puts renew on anyone in the raid who is missing x amount of health and doesn't have renew 2. targets the raid member with the lowest percent health 3. targets the mob with the lowest health? i used this for spirit tap at lower levels 4. auto buffs (cast buffs x,y,z on anyone who doesn't have it) 5. joesf talked about one to auto remove unwanted buffs from tanks. (Salvation) I’m working on one now that will cast Greater Heal on any raid member in range who is missing x amount of health. the line of sight is the hard part. i have done ones that you keep pressing one button and it will keep shadow word pain on your target, then mind blast, then if you have focused casting it would cast mind flay. the problem is that i can't do it all by myself and if i post something is anyone interested in learning how to do it if i show you how?
So is anyone dieing to know the tricks I have up my sleeve and start making their own mods? Or should I keep them to my self???? I guess no one cares enoff to even reply so I won’t tell you.
Hey guys, i thought i would post the greatest site in the world for making your own scripts and addons. http://www.wowwiki.com look under Interface Customization to find out about the API, Events, and XML i don't know how much everyone knows about programming, but i will do my best to help you. i'm going to try and post some of the thing i have done, even though they are works in progress. But i really want you guys to at least look at this site and try it on your own and ask question before i just start posting stuff.