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Everything posted by Georgestrait

  1. Georgestrait


    Can i get the password for vent or no if not no prob i understand.
  2. I can say this much if those changes to hunters are true and i get a talent that is the ZG hunter trinket im going back to GS for a while to make you guys cry, be ready to hit ur release button.
  3. Yeah ill do another divine intervention but this time im just gunna go afk and get somthing to eat. yeah I understand ya wanting to go after my pet he doesnt have scatter shot so you prob do pretty good against him. ehh makes my day knowing people are at work or school reading the boards and some guy walks by and sees my sig out of the corner of his eye thinking WTF.
  4. Yeah I've seen you around in a couple BG's every now and then
  5. So whats going on in here.... O yeah realdirty dude you need to make sure u look at the target ur hitting you backstabed the hell out of my pet while i caped the mill last night. Although I found it hilarious for the sake of making the games more fun for me you should keep an eye on that.
  6. I agree i'm the worst hunter on the server I feel bad for you guys though cause some how I am lucky enough to kill ppl. Better lucky then good
  7. Is it me or is my sig not showing up?
  8. Georgestrait


    /troll on the same note whats with all the alliance having like prof looking sig/avatars its like ur all in a graphics class at school or somthin This is a horde sig and you can call me George foreman cause I'm selling erry body grillz
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