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About Zedek

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    Jenison, MI
  1. Happy birthday FP!
  2. The part I really like about PallyPower is the interface really makes choosing which pally does each blessing in a raid simple. My CL usually handles the blessings distribution in the 25 mans. It allows people to configure your settings for you, which is nice. However like Ect said, I can't stand the vertical bar it shows up on my screen either. Plus, it's a bit of a bear to configure just for a 5 man dungeon. I'll probably just have to keep using it, even though I don't like it.
  3. Zedek


    There are those who wish they could be blood elves, then there are those who are. You just wish you could be hawt like me!
  4. That's the guild I'm in?!?! Do you know what the website is? I can't ever find it, I just have this one bookmarked lol
  5. http://img262.imageshack.us/img262/6599/wowscrnshot022808092557uw1.th.jpg I've been doing more of a minimalist approach to my UI these days. Got sick of all the clutter on the screen. Oh, and um... disregard the whole horde thing hehe. I was curious how the FP pallies handle managing all the blessings in a 25 man raid. We're currently using PallyPower, but I really hate the interface.
  6. One thing about it from a tank perspective that threw me for a loop is when some of the 5 man bosses (like Warlord Kalithresh at the end of SV) when he goes to impale one of the other players you'll see their threat skyrocket above the tank and then drop back down right afterward.
  7. Klakla was here!
  8. The biggest issue I had with KTM was that it was polling driven. Meaning that every X number of seconds it updates all the stats. If you're in a raid and you're constantly putting out threat and get a huge streak of crits, you might end up pulling aggro in that time because it didn't update fast enough. Hearing that Omen started using it on events (as things occur it updates immediately) really got me excited. Yes I'm a software developer, I get excited easily about this stuff. Omen is really going to give everyone a much more reliable view of how much threat they're putting out, and where they're at in relation to the tank. I got it installed already (though finding a link to download it from was rather difficult on their site) and so far it seems pretty slick. Good find Stang!
  9. Zedek


    So does that mean all of Canada was destroyed?
  10. http://msnbcmedia.msn.com/j/msnbc/Components/Photos/070607/070607_wheelchair_hmed_10a.hmedium.jpg Here's the full story... http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/19088976/ Lol, I'm just glad it wasn't me.
  11. Make sure you bring an extra mage to cover Este's buff assignments, he's notorious at forgetting to buff anything
  12. I'm the only tard in the game that turned off the background downloader... 166 of 276 meg so far, lol.
  13. I still use my TOEP!
  14. Oh jeez, don't invite Stang to your forums... he'll have your forums full within a week and you'll need to upgrade your hardware.
  15. Zedek

    SpamSentry AddOn

    Yeah I know, but I'd rather take the 2 seconds out of my day to install the mod and not have to deal with it until they fix it.
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