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About Murphyslaw

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    South J
  1. Ever play Warioware? This concept is far from original.
  2. Juice
  3. Murphyslaw

    Hey all!!

    Beorn should really think about cleaning out his apartment. The smell is really starting to annoy the neighbors.
  4. haha... this manages to reference a guild you've never heard of! My original guild, the Idle Threats... something that I found amusing, but nobody else that reads this thread will...
  5. I'd have to say Fudge (Shammy), just cause he's a mail wearing Mage. Oh, and there was the time, he took my health down just low enough to get killed by the three mobs I was fighting, just to make sure I died and took durability damage. Course, the next day he got ganked and camped by a friend of mine for like an hour, so I consider it even.
  6. Grats man!
  7. Don't worry too much... Remember Starcraft: Ghost? You were able to preorder that too, I think... Oh! And the new Zelda game, you could pre-order last november. And it's still not out. Preorders are a tricky thing
  8. Holy crap! GRATS! FPFTMFW is now taken to a whole new level of /famous!
  9. Oh man, Zerglings were one of my favorite units... build like 24 in a minute or two, and smash things. Fully upgraded, of course, the attack speed upgrade is amazing. I have no idea which level you're on, though, but I'd suggest using the cheap and easy zerg units, especially if you're running out of cash. 'Lings, Hydras, Scourge... The muties are pretty good en-masse, too.
  10. Holy crap dude! Grats! Now go make some Hand of Rag shaped indentations on some hordies!
  11. I dunno if they updated the video... but at the end they show the guy running up to Vael, hitting Shield, starting his hearth, getting BA, and then a room full of bodies. That was amazing, though.
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