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About Goreslash

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  1. hes deffinatley the first horde toon to ever post here =) i want my shaman forums back!
  2. whats all the maces above everyones heads is that like alliance version of bloodlust? also GRATS MOFOS
  3. one way, or another?
  4. can be aranged, what u wanna duel with my holy pally my rogue or my 63 mage =D but seriously wtfsigsineedone
  5. thats not what u said last night stang, Scissor me timbers
  6. Goreslash

    WTB New Sig

    noone in Rage has mad Sig making skillz so someone should make me one. i'll pay with handjobs, scissoring, or wow gold.
  7. that always happens
  8. hax
  9. I don't know for sure that I'll be back for BC. I'd like to, but we'll see how classes and such go. It also depends on how that whole RL thing goes. Plus, I like how there's two threads about me leaving now. I feel loved. only two because i cant see members general =P
  10. Zomg! Slash really *has* gone full pally haha
  11. i got kicked out of the guild trying to find your OP if there is one. I'm gonna miss you the most buddy you helped me level holyslash to 29 and your the reason i picked a paladin at all =( the paladin death squad wont be the same without you my brother. <3 forever The dirty goreslash of death p.s. i love you in the gayest way possible p.p.s. god are you hot
  12. omg grats mofos
  13. whoa whoa whoa gryph quit? this is unacceptable who is gonna freaking conc blow me now??!?!?!?!
  14. wow draeni women actually look like something the alliance should have, the males however blehhh i still think elves on horde is a dumb idea =D
  15. http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid=92...062951017&hl=en so long story short its funny enjoy
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