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Everything posted by Joesf

  1. Joesf


    Formalities. MUHAHA Consent
  2. /FP gang-signs
  3. joesf33
  4. WTB 10Gb Fiber NICs and an OC255 connection. /shoots up 10Gb of bandwidth OH Yaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!
  6. Omfg thats a nice bike. I was looking at the new R6s but then remembers, I don't know how to ride. But thats just a detail
  7. I had a butterfinger blast for lunch. It was fabulous.
  8. Pick a few combos and Make TJ Drink. Its the guys from the Sonic's commercials. Haha! http://www.maketjdrink.com/
  9. Something like that! HAHA
  10. Oh man are the articles good today. Haha. I think FP needs to start drug testing for performance enhancing substances. http://www.twitchguru.com/2006/08/29/gamin...w_drug_culture/
  11. Funny article. http://www.theregister.co.uk/2006/08/29/wo...w_terror_alert/ The WoW Thread. http://forums.worldofwarcraft.com/thread.h...=11211166&sid=1
  12. Haha. Stric hits like a girl. Granted a 6'4" 220lb truck driver girl, but a bitch none the less
  13. I needed that thanks
  14. Ya the somewhat cartoony look to TF2 is ... different, but i doubt itll take away from the game in any way. The video looks like the game will be a blast, just fun like the old school PlanetQuake. Remember the movie Lawnmowerman when the guys brain was getting mowed by the old school lawnmower... ya, thats gonna Portals. hehe
  15. Trio Video of Goodness, just scroll down.
  16. Best Pics. EVAR! http://bitchincamaro.no-ip.com/files/steve.jpg http://bitchincamaro.no-ip.com/files/weddi...ng/DSC00238.JPG *cough* http://bitchincamaro.no-ip.com/files/cassie2.jpg *cough*
  17. Did you assign a Gateway IP address? This is in the same place as the IP address and subnet. And would be the IP address for your wireless router\access point. Goto Start>Run Type 'Cmd' >Enter This should open a command window. Type 'ping www.cnn.com' >enter It will 1) Give you a response with latency. If so, everything should be working. 2) Timeout in which access isn't configured. 3) Tell you it could not resolve the name, which DNS isn't configured. And tell me what you get. The long shot is probably that your wireless router\gateway\access point needs to be configured to allow your laptop access, but thats a long shot and would be hard to explain on the forums.
  18. I'd seriously go on a rampage if I was in his families shoes.
  19. I take back anything I said about doing 2 raids.
  20. I'm curious what would spot us from having 2 raids?
  21. WoW myth: You need guild officers to run raids. So then with our numbers, even more people get to sit on the bench for raiding?
  22. I crapped my pants when he died not cause he died but because I was getting 10k auto attack crits with my Quel. What debuff causes that insane damage spike? Cause I dont think it was on the very last add we killed.
  23. Ya, I think they're currently just focusing on 10- 25- man raids currently since everyone is going to be focused on leveling. It would be a bit ridiculous to require 40-man raids for leveling up to 70. I kinda like it. I always felt the 20man raids were more effecient. More demanding of individuals. Plus 40 people and ~2 epics per boss is a bit of a drag in the long term. This will improve the speed at which players will get gear over a week-week basis thus creating more of an improvement in the raids. Look how long it took for us to get geared up thru MC in order to have enough people decently geared in order to do BWL and AQ40. Imagine how much faster that would have been if it were only a 25man. And if those who sign up for a raid would always show up () we should be able fill 2 raids fairly easy. How much fun was it when ZG came out to have the 2 groups semi-competing with each other?!
  24. WTB Epic PvP Items.
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