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About Joesf

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  • Birthday 07/03/1981

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    ATL, Joe-ja!
  1. Joesf


    What is this wizardry?! How is this site still active? Titan anyone?
  2. Joesf


    Death Wind Corridor
  3. Tionese/Xenotech/Energized = “Tier 1” Columi/Exotech = “Tier 2” Rakata = “Tier 3” Black Talon Sergeant Boran/GXR-5 Sabotage Droid: Tionese Waist (belt) Commander Ghulil: Energized pants Bonus: GXR-7 Command Droid: Tionese ears Yadira Ban: Columi bracers False Emperor Jindo Krey: Tionese gloves HK-47: Tionese Mainhand Bonus: Sith Entity: Tionese implants Darth Malgus: Columi Chest Directive 7 Interrogator: Tionese wrists (bracers) Bulwark: Energized chest Bonus: Replicator: Relic Mentor: Columi pants Ilum Velasu Graege & Drinda-Zel: Tionese wrists (bracers) Krel Thak: Energized head Bonus: Guid Patriach: Tionese ear Darth Serevin: Columi Offhand Boarding Party HXI-54 Juggernaut: Relic Sakan Do’nair: Energized Boots Bonus: Chief Engineer Kels: Tionese Implant Commander Jorland & Goonies: Columi gloves The Foundry Foundry Guardian: Tionese boots HK-47: Tionese Offhand Bonus: Burrower Matriarch: Tionese belt Revan: Columi boots Kaon Under Siege Defend vs Zombies encounter: Xenotech Gloves Rakghoul Behemoth: Tionese grade mainhand with Q56 color crystal Bonus: KR-82 Expulser: Columi head Commander Lk’Graagth: Columi head Eternity Vault – Normal Mode Annihilation Droid XRR-3: Columi gloves, Energized headpiece Gharj: Columi offhand, Tionese belt Pylon: Columi pants, Tionese bracers Infernal Council: Columi boots, Relic w/ on use Soa: Columi chest, Tionese Mainhand Eternity Vault – Hard Mode Annihilation Droid XRR-3: Rakata gloves, Exotech headpiece Gharj: Rakata offhand, Columi belt, Columi implant Pylon: Rakata pants, Columi bracers Infernal Council: Rakata boots, Relic w/ on use Soa: Rakata chest, Columi Mainhand Karagga’s Palace – Normal Mode Bonetrasher: Columi headpiece, Xenotech gloves Jarg and Sorno: Columi belt, Tionese offhand Foreman Crusher: Columi bracers, Xenotech pants G4-BC Heavy Fabricator: Xenotech boots, Relic w/ procs Karagga the Fatty: Columi mainhand, Xenotech chest Karagga’s Palace – Hard Mode Bonetrasher: Rakata headpiece, Exotech gloves Jarg and Sorno: Rakata belt, Columi offhand Foreman Crusher: Rakata bracers, Exotech pants G4-BC Heavy Fabricator: Exotech boots, Relic w/ procs Karagga the Fatty: Rakata mainhand, Exotech chest
  4. Joesf


    The SWTOR FP guild had ~50 peeps last I checked including some alts. Everyone is a former FP'er or friends of friends! Almost everyone has the same name as WoW or something close enough you know who they are. So you can hit up your usuals if you haven't joined yet or if you have a friend that wants to join. We aren't going to be strict about this since everyone knows what type of good people we want in our guild and how messy it can get when there are too many people. Given the lower raid counts and in-general casual style of SWTOR and FP, we should always have enough people around for anything SWTOR offers. Vent info is on the guild note and guild message. Hopefully Stang will post an easy link to donate to the Vent fund since its going to be getting used more. *wink*wink*nudge*nudge* Other than that... we have a level 50 of every class and end-game crafters for every profession (I think). If you have any questions or need help, feel free to ask!
  5. SWTOR HOMIE! BTP! It has combat rezzes! Haha
  6. Joesf


    RIGHT HERE BABY! I was in the last 3-4 beta weekends and junked out HARDCORE. 10am-3am. No problem! Love the game. Very casual. The abilities are more than just a *swing* or a *Pew*. Animations really bring the game to life along with the voice over for the storyline. Played four classes to ~20. Each story line was amazing and really got you involved. No class seemed OP. Its very focused at PvP balance. Teamwork will allow you to walk through anything and anyone. I liked the idea of SWTOR but EA raped the crap outta it. If you liked SWG, you'll probably have a stiffy through all of SWTOR. Hope to see a bunch of FPers there! Check the FPFTMFW Facebook thread for which server we are going to try and get together on.
  7. WTF?! You live?!
  8. ino your playing WoW. just dont know where

  9. ...will anyone read it?!
  10. Necro-thread comes to life! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0-97N6jNKb4 Opening scene from the Live Demo... Duke pissing in a toilet. Drawing a cock on a whiteboard. Ending Scene... Duke getting a blowjob. By two girls. Bawls Approved!
  11. Joesf


    Anyone else planning on getting this game? http://www.borderlandsthegame.com/ I can't even begin to describe how many levels of inbreeding awesomeness this game seems to bring together. The narrator for Trailer 3 sounds like the guy from Shadow Warrior. "Whooo waaanta some Wang?!" Ninjabawls@XBox LIVE
  12. More HOTS!
  13. Unfortunately, I won't be able to make this one :/
  14. No doubt. So, Dana got a quick shaft in the ass this past weekend. Cro Cop was a last minute addition the UFC needed to fill the card (UFC99 apparently had a record number of drop outs for one reason for another). Cro Cop and Dana have a verbal agreement over the phone for 3 UFC fights. Well, little ol Cro Cop apparently already had a 3 fight deal in the works for DREAM and bounced out on Dana all together after his fight. Dana is going off about respect and all, but this is the same guy that released guys from their contract who refused to sign a "I get NOTHING" deal for the UFC game. Then once the game was made, he signs them back.
  15. Roy Nelson and Wes Sims join the cast. He wants Taco Bell and Pizza Hut sponsors... seriously. I'm starting to think Dana just wants to see Kimbo get beat up again.
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