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About leifomg

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  • Birthday 06/02/1985

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  • Location
    Takoma Park, MD
  1. i like aion
  2. boobs....almost makes me want to buy it
  4. oo thank you!
  5. my poor thread
  6. WTH.... why D=
  7. I make a mean Curry burger.....if you like it spicey...
  8. Yar, I would like to try and make it down this year!! Anyone along the way from DC? dunno if ill be driving with anyone..but it would be better.... Don't have money for a hotel...but i got a big bench seat if it gets that crowded (i can sleep anywhere though...slept on a linoleum floor once..yech...)
  9. Yooo, so i gotta do a simple cultural project in my spanish class and my group got assigned Peru! we have to addresssss food, music, economy and literature... and stuff... So anything you guys think might be interesting or that i should try and include or just you know, stuff that only someone in Peru would know about would be cool to know!!! gogogo! (this was on my forums, but lemon told me you guys troll alot so here i am!!)
  10. hehehe this is funny cause i know the kid who was the original Nef hehehe
  11. leifomg


    they should have that in every language dictionary
  12. happpppppppppy birthdayyyy
  13. damn, i shoulda gotten here before the boobs got scared away... boobs ftw... big or small... Long as they Feel and taste good =D
  14. http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v163/Theleifmeister/random012.jpg yea vind posters!
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