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About Gynis

  • Rank
    Oscar Wildcat
  • Birthday 11/29/1980

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  • Location
    Duluth, GA

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  1. Gynis


    You know what's funny, Deme beggs me to poke him with my cane every time he sees me. But I don't think he means my "walking stick." O.o
  2. Avatar is not geared toward a younger audience...... is it?
  3. I've posted in the members forums about the new rank changes and how some ranks have been eliminated. Please read at your earliest. If you have friends who do not read the forums, STRONGLY urge them to. I happen to like the forums and find that they are useful for discussion.
  4. First change is to put a limit on how tall pictures can be. Christ!
  5. Do before and after pics. Q and Hv used to post their workout results.
  6. grats!
  7. Gynis

    FP Site

    Thank you very much! What a very generous donation! We had a few very generous donations this go-around. Thanks guys! Remember, though - you don't have to be a baller to contribute. Even $5 is a tremendous help. And, I'd much rather think of a way to make Forgotten Prophets a FOR Profit - then you'd all be shareholders.
  8. I'm contributing!
  9. happy birthday!
  10. OMG! Thanks!
  11. interesting
  12. Gynis

    Lost my job.

    Bad @ss?
  13. Here is mine!
  14. I never realized that there was an Indian Jesus.
  15. I need me some Pupils!
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