Just thought i wold introduce myself and say hello to everyone in FP. My friends Lyrin and Danarus, and Bently have been great to me. I use to play ultima online with them and was a member of thier guild. I was sad to find out that they had left UO for this game called WoW. i found a post on thier old guild house board saying this is where they were. So one day i got the itch and decided to check it out and see what my friends had left a game we had played for years together. From that moment forward i have been hooked and since have left UO as well. i have pretty much been guildless but have gotten alot of help and advice from them along the way. So i guess the point of this post is to say thank you to my friends for all the help they have given me and to say hello to all of those they praise so highly. Chandos Hunter lvl-20 Khold Warrior lvl-23