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About Garnok

  • Rank
  • Birthday 11/23/1980

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  • Location
    Flowery Branch, GA
  • Interests
    WoW, Gadgets, and Smashing things...SMASH

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  1. I don't remember any fountains in Onyxia's Lair, that's how I remember Stang.
  2. Jon, you're in IT, finding this while at work is working.
  3. You can also make the folder anywhere on your computer, not just the C: drive.
  4. Garnok


    I got to admit Dragon, the game seems interesting after playing for a couple of hours. I do like being able to set the quests to Solo but I'm a little disappointed it doesn't appear to have Prestige Classes.
  5. Garnok


    That coming from a guy with only a part time vowel in his name.
  6. Every country is different on how many cigarettes an individual can import for themselves. This isn't that big of a deal here but in Europe where traveling between countries is more common so is this limit. A lot of European countries have a limit of 1 carton (200 cigarettes). In the US I believe this is controlled by the States. From what I can tell there is no real limit as long as you are not reselling.
  7. If you don't mind using Western Union or Moneygram to pay and are willing to spend over $50 per order then you can save a good bit of money at http://www.rokokzone.com I used to use them a long time ago when Sampoerna A Milds stopped shipping to the states. Carton of Blacks (16 per pack) at http://www.saleclovecigarettes.com/ is $40 Same carton at http://www.rokokzone.com is $22 right now.
  8. Which site did you use Memphis?
  9. I'm sure you can still order Cloves online, I used to do this for the Sampernas I used to smoke when the manufacturer decided to stop shipping to the states.
  10. As far as the government is concerned, cigarettes have crazy taxes that bring in a ton of money on the federal and state level. That is a huge plus for the government.
  11. Garnok


    Stang, it's a level 80 Heart of Darkness.
  12. I have personally seen an iPhone that fell from about desk height to thin carpet. The screen had a pretty marbled affect after that (think a car side window but all the glass stayed together after a shatter). I have to agree about the advantages of a real keyboard as well. I have had to work on a few iPhones and fat fingering is a very common experience for me. I have T-Mobile right now and the nice thing about that is if you have them long enough they offer you a loyalty plan. Unlimited calling for only $49 a month plus $39 a month for each additional line.
  13. Make sure you start from the first episode of last season. They all can be found here http://www.effinfunny.com/legend-of-neil
  14. This is a list of things our children will probably never know about or not believe us when we tell them about it. This is definitely one of the better ones, "Blowing the dust out of a NES cartridge in the hopes that it’ll load this time" http://www.wired.com/geekdad/2009/07/100-t...ver-know-about/
  15. Congratz Sauce and welcome to the FP Dad's Club
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